The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Casting Call

I absolutely love the Hitchhiker's series, but ever since I saw the "movie" I've thought, "oh what a piece of crap". Not all of it, of course. I do appreciate its camp qualities, and the fact that it was made. Wouldn't it be nice, though, if Hollywood took on the full project!

Five fabulous films, each with a here-to-fore matched cast of super stars. This page attempts to find THAT cast. The perfect troop of actors to fill the rolls of the imfamous galactic hitchhikers (as well as every last minor character remotely involved). So, if you have any suggestions for characters as yet uncast, or a more appropriot actor for one who is, feel free to e-mail me about it. Make sure you send me a pic of the actor and let me know from what book, radio, TV or other version the character derives from.

The GUIDElines"

I've been trying an all Brittish cast, so far. Also, actors who are alive and the correct age to play the part tomorrow, if need be, but sometimes a personality breaks all the rules, and anything goes.

Hugh Grant as Arther Dent and Eric Idle as Ford Prefect

Tim Curry as Zephod Beeblebrox and Nicole Kidman as Trillian

Alec Guiness as Slarty Bart Fast and Terry Jones as Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz (Captain)

James Earl Jones as Deep Thought and Steven Wright as Marvin the Paranoid Android

Emma Thompson as the Girl in the Cafe' (Fenchurch) and John Cleese as Magic Thighs the Philosipher


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David Ludwig

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