"G.E.E.K. of the Week" WebQuest:  


Step One:  Find out who your assigned "G.E.E.K. of the Week" is


Step Two:  Pick up a "G.E.E.K. of the Week" Information Form from the office


Step Three:  Use classroom or library books and other resources (click "resources" below) to find the required information about your GEEK.  As you find information, be sure to take notes on the information form!


Step Four: Use the online resources to find a picture of your GEEK and print it out


Step Five:  Create your card using Microsoft Word or AppleWorks.
(Hint: Use the template that has already been set up for you!)

The front of the card should include the picture and name of the GEEK 

The back of the card should include the biographical information, what the scientist is famous for, how you and the scientist are alike, and your name


Step Six:  Print two copies of your card out, fold them in half and trim them. Turn them in to be laminated.  


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This WebQuest was last modified on Thursday, July 12, 2001 10:04:15 AM by Jane E. McCraight-Wertz.  Email me at mrswertz@yahoo.com !

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