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The forum  for new and aspiring writers

     Writer's Advantage publishes original short stories of fantasy, mystery, and science fiction. It also publishes poetry of any genre.  There is a newsletter, New Alternatives, that publishes non-fiction parenting information and poetry. It is an avenue for young and aspiring writers. Writers will retain all their rights and are encouraged to submit their material elsewhere.  

     You should be certain that the spelling, grammar, punctuation, and format is correct.  Please put a word count, title, name, e-mail and mailing address at the top.  There is no limit to length, but it should be the best you can do.. Submissions by E-mail are preferable for online material.  Do not submit E-mail in compressed files or files in a
word-processing -program format (e.g., WordPerfect, Microsoft Word). If you want anonymity or to use a different name, please state Material that may not appear in the newsletter can be online or in both publications.  A hard copy can be sent to Editor  P.O. Box 4009, Elwyn, PA 19063. The editor reserves the right to make changes.

Any material containing profanity, graphic descriptions of intercourse, sexually explicit material, graphic violence or murder, and graphic child abuse of any type, or child pornography.  Tell a story, write a poem. 

    There is no payment to authors.  If you are looking for payment, there may be other markets available.

Response will take up to four to six weeks.  There is a high rate of acceptance.  Please send a short bio about your writing experience.