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Soapbox: Liberal Women Have Neutered American Men: A Response

By Tom Loret
Joshua Tree | Hi-Desert Star opinion page | Posted: Saturday, May 21, 2011

These days when men announce that they are going to rob women and children of their food, school money and medication, abuse the elderly and mug the disabled, they are either sent to prison or elected to Congress. That is what I thought when I first learned of Rep. Paul Ryan’s (RWis.) House budget proposal for 2012. It is called, “Roadmap to America’s Future.” It passed on April 14 along party lines 235-193. It is now before the Senate.

In a nutshell, it reduces and eliminates basic medical care and food subsidies for tens of millions of low-income families, the elderly and disabled. At the same time, it transfers those cuts to the richest Americans and multinational corporations in the form of over one trillion dollars in tax benefits and reductions. It is good to note that Rep. Ryan has amassed a multi-million-dollar campaign chest courtesy of top banking and insurance companies, Wall Street brokerages and the medical-pharmaceutical and energy industries. He is a man who serves his donors well. But a week later I was dumfounded when I heard one of Rep. Ryan’s congressional colleagues, Rep. Allen Lewis (R-Fla.), announce that all our nation’s moral and fiscal problems were caused by liberal women who have emasculated the American male and run up our debt. He spoke before a Boca Raton, Fla., tea party rally that was sponsored by a group of conservative women called Women Impacting the Nation (WIN). He stated:

“We need you to come in and lock shields, and strengthen up the men who are going to the fight for you. To let these other women know on the other side — these Planned Parenthood women, the Code Pink women, and all of these women that have been neutering American men and bringing us to the point of this incredible weakness — to let them know that we are not going to have our men become subservient. That’s what we need you to do. Because if you don’t, then the debt will continue to grow.”

Dumfounded because the men I know do not take food from children. They do not deny health care to women, disregard our elderly or cause harm to the disabled. And equally stunned to learn that women of Planned Parenthood and Code Pink, many of whom I know and yet, remain intact, are responsible for the cowardice and servility of American men. This is psychosis, lurid confessions of a pervert who sits in Congress and passes legislation that punishes the weakest and most vulnerable among us for the sake of his handlers.

Who or what are these purported men of courage and grit? We know that Rep. Lewis retired early from the Army as a lieutenant colonel rather than face an investigation for his role in the torture of Iraqi detainees. We know that angry little boys pull wings off insects, that sadistic commandants shovel the sick, elderly and disabled into mass graves. We know that cannibals eat their own, that slavers buy and sell human rights and that justice has no place on plantations. But to what depth have we, as a nation sunk? In terms of life expectancy, the World Health Organization now ranks America 30 out of 169 in the world, down from 27. And according to the 2010 CIA World Factbook, America ranks 49 out of 224, down from 47. In civilized nations, taxpayers have tax paid health care and rank at the top. Land of the free, home of the brave — going down. Blame and punish the women?








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