welcome to my little space of cyber world.  I am Penny your hostess during your stay here.  Please keep an open mind about the world while you are here as it takes all different kinds of people to make the world turn on a daily basis

Take your time and enjoy your stay.  Also tell me what you think of this place by either signing my guest book,  or dropping me an email.

To navigate just click on one of the below hearts.

Updated 29th August 2001

It has been noticed by some of you out there that there are an awfull lot of spelling errors on my site.  That is because Im dyslexic.  I would use a spell checker but words dont realy work well with my brain.  So sit back and enjoy all the words I spell wrang :)

If you want to be notified
when my site is updated,  drop an e-mail to


Also comming soon.

The return of Penny's Perfect people.  If you want to be counted in the fantastic few,  Click here
 entitled  "perfect"

Don't forget to check out my guest book before leaving