Rose and Joni's Eric Schweig Fan-Site Awards Page

The above award was presented to this web-site on August 12,1999

Thank you!!


The above award was presented to this site on July 29, 1999

~I was very impressed by all the hard work you have put into this site and have to congratulate you on a wonderful achievement in
web-site design. I would like to extend my congratulations on producing a very visually appealing, informative and interesting web- site dedicated to Eric Schweig for all your visitors to enjoy and benefit from.

Excellent addition to the web, one that you should be very proud of.~B.Stanley


Due to the high standard of design and exceptional content this Eric Schweig web site has been presented with:


Thank you to all visitors/fans who make it possible!


The Following Award was presented on March 30, 1999 to this web-site for its excellent presentation and contents.


Thank you for visiting our web-site and presenting us with the above awards!

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Rose and Joni Copyright 1999