WorldWide Pagan Network actively supports all people educating themselves about as many topics as possible. The more informed a person is the more effectively they are able to manage their lives. Our community is only as knowledgeable as the members within it. The more we know, the stronger we grow.

Activities Here you will find a wide variety of things to do that not only fill empty time, but increasing your learning. We have a wide selection of things to make and to, both on the computer and away from the computer, from the simplest projects to artisan style crafting.

Home School Though currently this is not much to look at, we will be expanding this into a resource for those choosing homeschooling and/or unschooling as an educational alternative.

Reference Section This is where you find what WWPN has labeled the ultimate Internet Reference Section. Whether you are a student or a teacher of magic, myths, math, science, or almost any other subject, there is a reference item for you.

Witches Bibliography This project enjoyed a brief popularity on the Internet before falling into the cyber limbo. By rare chance, the WWPN staff came upon the zipped files for this project in their own drives. At this time we have included the entire project as it was written originally. We shall then continue the work on updating and expanding it.

Click here to see our fine selection of gift items for children! This Month's Children's Store Special!

Microscope set includes 20X eyepiece, view screen, magnifying glass, slides, covers, vials, scalpel, dissecting needle, tweezers, 4-color rotating filter, syringe and manual. Price for set of 34. Microscope is 7 1/4". $34.95 each


Check out the children's store for more deals!

<Click Here For Children's Store>



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