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Breed: Schipperke
Country of Origin: Flanders
AKC Group: Non-sporting
Function: Guard, ratter
Life Span: 15 or more years
Appearance: Small
Color: Black
Coat Type: Thick
Grooming: Comb and brush regularly with a firm bristle brush. Dry shampoo when necessary. They shed very little until the coat "blows" which can be as often as 3 times a year on females. Less so on males and spayed females, especially as they age. This coat change is a sudden drop of ALL undercoat within about a 10 day period. Some people find it easier and quicker to give them a hot bath then force air the coat two or three times during this week (always outside!) to get rid of all the loose, itchy hair before the dog leaves it all over the house. A groomer could do this for the person without a force dryer. They are literally naked and butt ugly for about 2-3 months, depending on the time of year and how much time they spend outside, for the hair to come back to a new lustrous coat.
Height: 9-13 inches
Weight: 7-18 pounds
Activity Level: High
Watch Dog: Yes
Protection: No
Intelligence: High
Trainability: High
Good With Children: Yes
Good With Pets: Yes
Good With Strangers: Yes
Character: Lively
Home Environment: Apartment ok
Best Owner: Active
Potential Problems:  
Behavior: Barking
Physical: A very hardy and healthy breed. They are not prone to any serious health problems.
Recommendations: Be careful not to overfeed them.