Survival in the village would have been next to impossible without the love and acceptance of the family who lived next door to me.  They welcomed me into their family and cared for meas one of my own.  Doing my laundry, cooking my meals, and helping me around the village.
Above Left: "Mom" and me with dinner!
Above: My family; Mom and 4 of her 9 kids!
Left: Me at the village water supply.  A capped spring gave me pure spring water - take that Evian!
Sidi Marj Bar: located just inside the Park
Village children pose for this picture
My Final Project:  With the help of a USAID Bio-diversity grant of $5,000US I was able to produce 5000 of these brochures and distribute them within the Park, at the Park HQ, as well as in the area hotels.  I also held a training sessions with the local Park Taxi drivers to show them all of the trail heads and pick-up zones.
Me an Mo'hmed, one of my favorite Taxi Drivers at a look-out in the park
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