
After Death

Communication Page

What is A.D.C.?

An A.D.C. is where someone who has passed over attempts to make contact with you.  Some people are more open to this and therefore see more or experience more.  Don't worry if you haven't experienced anything with a loved one.   You or even they may not be ready yet to make contact.  To learn more about this, visit the various pages below. I have personal examples of how Michelle has made contact with me.  I hope that these stories both enlighten and uplift you as you read that the main reason for their contact is to let us know: 

"We Exist!"

 Moving Objects

Voices and Songs

Dreams and Visions

If you have an A.D.C. experience with Michelle or any other loved one and would like to either add it to one of the categories or just to talk to someone about it you can email me at the link above.  I would love to hear from you!

For more information about spirituality, death and The Other Side and much more, visit another site of mine:

 Novus Sprititus Study Group

Please visit the site in which I was given these beautiful graphics.


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