Daigle Reunion 2004
Photo Gallery
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Daigle Database
Contact the Officers
Our Notable Daigles
Daigle Name in LA
Interesting Links
Lost Daigles
Minutes of Meetings
Daigle Land in Acadia
Stewardship Form


What is the Future of Our Association?

     We are in desperate need of "active" members in Association de la Famille Daigle.  Compared to other family organizations, we have a very large membership.  We need "active members" to assume active duties in running our important association.  We have several very beneficial activities that we feel should be allowed to continue.  They include: website, newsletter, Daigle database, and our annual contributions to the French Immersion Program.  Each of these would be a significant loss if the organization would not continue in some form.  Recently at our reorganization meeting, several new officers were elected.  This is very encouraging.

     I have been a member of the association for approximately 8 years and it has been a most rewarding experience.  During this time we have sponsored 2 reunions in conjunction with Congres Mondial Acadien  We won't be doing this again anytime in the near future since the association in New Brunswick will be organizing the 2009 reunion. (That means the next reunion up for grabs won't be until 2014.) 

     We hope you will  consider contributing your time in some small way to help us in continuing and accomplishing our goals.  Our original founders and current "active members" that formed the association in 1998 are getting up in age and we have actually lost a few who have died.  Believe me, you will not regret getting further involved with Association de la Famille Daigle.   All of our meetings end up being mini-reunions with lots of visiting, genealogy sharing, sometimes music, and ALWAYS plenty of food.

     Please study the following list and feel free to check one or more item..  Someone from the association will contact you as needed.  Thanks for your interest in Association de la Famille Daigle.

Name:  Email:



Becoming an active member of the association's board.  (This    would involve meeting with the 7 member board to make those decisions requiring passage by the board.  Only one board meeting is required each year.  However, others may be called if needed.  Of course, attendance at the board meetings is not mandatory.  The term of office would be for 2 years and would begin in Feb. 2006.)  Also, we meet at various locations in Louisiana.

     Assist with the newsletter by:
Soliciting articles for the newsletter.

Assuming the role of editor for alternate issues of the newsletter. (gathering together the content for the April and October issues of the newsletter and submitting this to the present editor who would then have it formatted and type set.

     Assist the Membership Committee by:
Mailing out one or more issues of the newsletter each year.
(We would provide you with the computer program to address the envelopes and the association would reimburse you for envelopes, duplication, and postage.
Having our membership chairman contact you to discuss ways by which you might be able to help.