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Minutes of Meetings

Minutes of Called Meeting of the Membership
February 11, 2007
Raceland, Louisiana


     Having failed to conduct an annual meeting of the association in February at the proper time, a special meeting of the membership was held on this date to decide on the future of our association.  Notice of this called meeting was sent to all members on January 29, 2007.  Members in attendance at the meeting were: Deeda Daigle, Don Daigle, Edgar Daigle, Edward Daigle, Florence Daigle, Larry Daigle, Nolan Daigle, Phil H. Daigle, Sylvia Hargis, Florence Daigle Perkins, Bob Perkins, and Cynthia Thibodeaux.  Association officers present when the meeting convened were: Edgar Daigle - Treasurer and Sylvia Hargis - Secretary.  In accordance with a telephone conversation with the president of the association prior to the meeting, Sylvia Hargis was asked to chair the meeting in his absence.  Bob Perkins was asked to serve as parliamentarian for the meeting in accordance with the bylaws of the association.

     The meeting was called to order at 1:30 PM in the home of Sylvia Hargis in Raceland, La.  Ms. Hargis stated the purpose of the meeting and mentioned two communications from members who could not attend.  One was a letter from Don Daigle of Connecticut who expressed regret at the possibility that the organization might be disbanded.  The second was an email from Barbara Bouvard offering to help with the association.

     Bob Perkins was asked to report on a visit he and his wife, Flo, had made to the Office of the Secretary of State to inquire about the protocol to be followed should the membership decide at the called meeting to dissolve the organization.  Essentially, the steps to be taken are either 1) Fill out a form which they provided to us and have the surviving incorporators file the form and pay a $60.00 filing fee with the Secretary of State's office or 2) Not submit an annual report or pay the annual fee of $5.00 for three years.  If the first alternative is taken the Secretary of State's office would notify the IRS of the dissolution.  If it is the second alternative which is followed, the organization would remain active in the IRS records.  The local IRS office was visited to learn the protocol which should be followed with their office.  At the time of that office visit, the IRS staff was very busy with income tax activity and suggested that we call a number at their federal office.  They did provide us with the number to call.

     It was also learned at the Office of the Secretary of State that the annual report form mailed to us had not been returned and that, in the event one is filed, the changing of the name of the registered agent will require that it be notarized.  The need to change the name of the registered agent is necessitated by the fact that the present registered agent is Florence Perkins and she is to move to Georgia soon.  The replacement should reside in Louisiana.

     Following this presentation, the members present addressed themselves to the decision of whether the association should continue in existence.  Phillip H. Daigle lamented the fact that so many of the Cajun family web sites are becoming dormant while ours remains viable and active.  He suggested further that the meeting notice which he received mentioned four options and he is in favor of the second one listed; to remain active with a new board of directors.  Nolan Daigle voiced his support of this and stated he would take over the presidency if no one else was interested.

     Others expressed an interest in this option.  Cynthia Thibodeaux volunteered to help in any way she could and felt that her knowledge of computers could be helpful.  Larry would like to give up the membership duties as well as getting help in mailing out the newsletter.  Ms. Thibodeaux immediately volunteered to help in these tasks and Edward Daigle agreed to help her.  Phil H. asked if there could be an organization if there were no newsletter or membership requirement.  This question was not pursued in depth, but it was pointed out that it would be possible to distribute the newsletter by email to those who have computer capability.  Phil also felt that the association should publicize its activities more.

     Bob P. reminded the members that we were to entertain the possibility of selecting other options as well and mentioned that the Texas group has demonstrated a high level of enthusiasm and ability.  Florence Daigle supported this and mentioned their work with FamilyTreeDNA and their interest in the Indigenous groups project of the National Geographic Society.

     Florence Daigle moved that the association remain active and the motion was seconded by Cynthia Thibodaux.  Discussion around this motion brought out the sentiment that the activity may not be as intense is it has been in the past,  but may pick up with the approach of the 2009 Congres Mondial meeting in New Brunswick.  The motion passed unanimously.

Officers were then elected and are:

President - Nolan Daigle - Baton Rouge
Vice President - Phillip H. Daigle - Baton Rouge
Treasurer - Edgar Daigle - Church Point
Secretary - Sylvia Hargis - Raceland
Board Member at Large - Don Daigle - New Orleans
Board Member at Large - Florence Daigle - Luling
Board Member at Large - TBA

Decisions made by the new board are:

1. In accordance with our by-laws, there will continue to be one meeting each year on the second Sunday in February. 

2. There will be at least two meetings of the board of directors each year; one on the 2nd Sunday in February and the second to coincide with our pot luck lunch on the 2nd Sunday in October.

3. The newsletter will be published at le4ast twice a year: in January and September.

     Don Daigle requested to have the association pay for a subscription to a national genealogical journal to help him.  Motion by Don, seconded by Florine, carried.  Florine asked, if possible, to have the family genealogy prepared in book form.  This is to be checked into.

Meeting adjourned at 2:30 PM.