Felicity Faye Austin

High school student at Brisbane Girls Grammar school.

Interest in Website Design:
Web design is something I've been interested in for a while now; I've been making web pages for a couple of years. But I wanted to extend my skills to include programs like flash and fireworks to help make my designs more interesting. I was also something I was thinking about doing as a career, but that is not definate. =^_^=

Project Website:
I have many MANY ideas for what I can do for my project website. I was thinking of doing something involving anime (which is one of my interests) but since we can only use non copyrighted images etc. I decided against it. Currently, I'm still deciding wheather to do something involving anime, or to design something completely different.

Hobbies and interests:
Well, I'm interested in anime (which is japanese animation. Think Sailor Moon, Pokemon, Digimon, etc but NOT dubbed/americanized), Dance Dance Revolution (which is an arcade game where you step on a pad in time to the music. If you want to see it done well, go to Timezone in the city while Japanese people are there. They are the BEST in DDR), manga (manga are japanese comic books. You can find many MANY different types/stories in japan. I order all of mine from and lots more of Japanese stuff. One of these days I'm going to go to Japan and spend a fortune on merchandise. ^_^;;




Cheryl Ann Hoarau

Business Analyst - Internet (Queensland Transport)

My interest in Website Design:
My interested in Web Design stems from my urge to possess and further obtain the skills and expertise to be a part of a progressive, innovative and enterprising area.
Web design is an interesting and creative field of employment to be involved in, fortunately I have been given the opportunity to work in a position for Public Transport.

Project Website:
I currently maintain the TransInfo Website at My project idea is the re-development of the TransInfo Website. The content is already available to myself so what I hope to achieve from this project is a new look template.

Hobbies and Interests:
My hobbies are interior decorating, painting, creating a new look for old furniture, bicycle riding, reading and of course socialising with my friends.

Amusing Internet Story:
This one’s not that interesting, I was designing some pages for the Public Transport Website when a small typo was pointed out to me.

When designing the Public Transport heading I left out one letter, and this unfortunately happened to be the letter L which resulted in my header reading Pubic Transport - quite embarrassing


Click here for the BIT site
BIT Web Design page