Jokes, Jokes...... and more Jokes

The newer stuff is at top, and the lower you go, the older it gets.



eBay Auctions

Like French toast wasn't enough.


You know when five people like them open their mouth, something funny is gonna come out . . . Besides their voice, I mean. =) hehe

BsB Rumors

Don't laugh... this is how rumors about them get started. You people should be ashamed.

BsB Fashion Show... sorta

Get ready for those five guys to strut their stuff on the floor! (Do I sound fake and annoying enough yet?)


Not mentioning any names, but someone said this. And I thought to find the humor in it.

20 Things a Backstreet Boy Should Never Do

I had to narrow it down to 20. . . . My contractor said so. . . LoL

BsB and *N Sync

More alike than you think. You better believe it.

BsB are Superheros!

I KNOW you were laughing when you saw that... C'mon.. admit it.

BsB Word Problems

Every mathmatician's dream. Adding and Dividing Backstreet Boys.

**Mature Fans Only**

You think I'm kidding.... You better have some ID strapped to ya when you come in here.

Before They Were Stars

Just go on in.... You know you want to.

BsB New Year's Resloutions

Yeah, it's late.... What else were you expecting from them?

BsB School Schedules

Can you imagine them in school? Wait, nevermind... That might not be a good thing.

Naughty Confessions

I'm signing up for the Witness Protection Program after this, okay? What do you mean, I can't? I don't care if I've never been a witness!!! Some people.

What a Girl Wants

Or, more appropriately, what they want a girl to want.

Backstreet Quiz

Wonder which Boy is your soulmate? Go find out. . . If you dare. . . hehe

Answering Machines

I know, some of you have called their houses (BTW, that's called STALKING. . . . I advise against stuff like that.) But have ya ever wondered what their machines would really say? Of course you have. . . Read on.

