June 2001 DTC
 June 2001 DTC

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Our Kids!


Questions to ask during
"The Call"

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Today's Date:
Today's Time:
Name of Caller:

Girl or Boy? (I'm assuming girl for the form!)
What is her Chinese Name:
(find out what it means on this site listed below)
What is her birthdate?
How old is she?
 (so you don't have to do the math):

Full Name of the Orphanage:
City of SWI:
Province of SWI:
Have you had referrals from this orphanage before?
Was she in foster care?
If so, for how long?

When were measurements taken?
How is her overall health?
Is there any other information I need?
Will we get updated medical information?
Who is the closest pediatric specialist in adoption medicine?

Were other families referred children from this orphanage?
If so, how many?
Are other families traveling in our group?
When will I get a full list of the travel group?

Can you email a picture?
When will you FedEx the info to us?  Or, can we come by and pick up the referral packet?
What will be in the packet?
If FedEx --what is the tracking number?

What is the process from here?

Is there a timeline for when you should receive our acceptance?
When do you need the signed papers returned?
What are your current estimates for when we will leave?

Can we send a package to the orphanage?


Other Resources:

Translated Questions for the Orphanage
Complete, Updated list of Orphanage yahoogroups



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