June 2001 DTC
 June 2001 DTC

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Ivy & Darrel
Ages: 40 & 47
Location: Kansas
Children: Zoey (12) & Callie (9)
Pets: Kate (Great Pyrenees), Millie & Keiko (cats), Polly, Paisley & Philadelphia (goats), Charlie & Ace (horses), various chickens and ducks.
Agency: Children's Hope
DTC: May 28, 2001
ACR: 0-24 months
Occupation: Art Director for a greeting card company & Lumber sales
Homepage URL: www.byivy.com
DOR: June 28, 2002
Chinese Name: Ru Yan
Soon To Be: Ryann
Child's Birthday: October 2, 2001
City / Province: Changde Social Welfare Institute, Hunan Province
Other: At her medical exam in April, she was 64cm (almost 25in.) long, and 7 kg (nearly 15 pounds).

She is healthy, alert, likes to be held, is extroverted, likes music, can roll over and sit up, can shout in a loud voice, feed herself a cookie and can switch a toy from one hand to another. She's described as a deep sleeper and a good eater.

Her Chinese name is Ruyan. And, what makes this most amazing is: from the first day we started our adoption journey, we planned to have Ryann as part of her name (honoring a friend who died in 1998). So, she has already been given the name we'd planned to give her. So, now we are discussing her middle/first name to go with Ryann.




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