Scary Experience:Galveston Indiana

My grandmothers house, I was told, has always been haunted. There has always been strange things happening, china clinking during the Exorcist, locked doors slamming shut for no reason, the TV shutting off during movies concerning the "Devil" and the radio station turning stations, and especially if there are reasonable explanations for the occurrences, people trying to scare others and so fourth. But I think everyone also knows how grandmothers can be. If not they must not be anything like mine. Anyway, a friend of mine and I have always been fascinated with Ouija Boards, Tarot Cards, and that sort of thing. We had used the boards quite a few times, but nothing surreal like this had ever happened at least not while I was around. We had also never used any at my grandmothers house. That night we decided to take my grandmother up on her stories and test them with the Ouija. We had gotten ahold of someone she said that she was three years old and had been killed mysteriously. I thought my friend was just messing around with me. So I said "Why don't you do something to prove that you are here". Simple enough question I thought. About four or five seconds later a little metal basket that I kept my makeup in, attached to the headboard of my began rattling and clanking against the bed. My friend and I were so scared that we ran to the back room and began telling my grandmother all about it. And of course being the grandmother that she is said "I told you and you didn't believe me, now do you, and what are you doing with a Ouija Broad any way you know those things are evil". Well, that is my story for your page. I hope that this will be an interesting addition to your site and that it will entertain people instead of scaring them half to death like it did me.

Jayz note: Thanks for the story,

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