Battery Carriage Inn-Charleston SC

Near Halloween, the local pop radio station was giving away a trip to the Battery Carriage Inn-Number 20 South Battery. You were to spend the night of October 31st there. I said I'd like to go, but I didn't win. In December ( near my birthday) my mom asked me what I wanted to do for my birthday. Then out of the blue she asked me if I would want to go to Charleston. I was stunned and said yes and that I wanted to stay at The Battery Carriage Inn and I wanted to see a ghost for my birthday present. I decided to take my friend with me. The tale of the inn is that a man jumped out the window in room number 9 (which is the room I wanted and got). The man adopted a slave boy that stayed with him. People that stayed in the room said they heard children laughing outside when people under 12 aren't allowed to stay in the inn. My friend hoped like crap that we didn't see or hear anything, but I wanted to. The room didn't feel eerie to me, so I opened the door and took a picture of the room from the door. My camera worked alright so I thought everything was ok. However, my friends camera wouldn't work. It would jam everytime. While she was fiddling with her camera I went next door to my mom and stepdads room and took a picture of their room, the hallway(from my moms door area), then a picture of the area where we were staying from the yard below. When we got the pictures developed, the first picture I took didn't come out at all-it wasn't even in the negatives. I had taken another picture of the room from inside and when you hold the picture horizontal, it is room number 9, when you hold it vertically, it is my moms room-number 10. All the other pictures on the roll came out perfectly. The thing may not have shown itself, but something was there!

Another tale is of a house usually known to locals as Boswells (it used to be a restaurant called Boswells) I had been in there to eat and didn't seem spooked by it. Last summer I went to take a picture of it (it is now for sale again) I had to actually go on the property and I felt like someone was looking out the window at me. When the picture was developed, there was a huge blur in the corner and it didn't come out. All I have is the negative for proof. In my room sometimes I feel like someone is in there. It is a strong presence that scares the devil out of me my skin crawles like mad and i huddle in one spot on my bed. Creepy....

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