
I just won $50 from Lucky Search on 01/18/2008

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Haunted House:Buffalo, NY

Ever since we moved into our house in Buffalo, NY i have seen a few strange things. When we first started living here i saw a man walking down our hallway past my bedroom. The house is about 100 years old. It is an old farm house. After my daughter was born i noticed her always smiling at something behind me when i sat in the living room. I get chills when i am in the basement and sometimes run up the stairs because it feels like someone is right behind me. My son and his friend were in the basement looking for something one day and they both came running up the stairs screaming that they saw someone down there. I told them it was just their imagination until i went down myself and got an erie feeling and felt someone watching me. Most recently, in the middle of the night my daughter woke up crying. As i was trying to get her back to sleep my dog started barking and growling like someone was in our house. I made my husband go check and he didnt find anything strange, no broken windows or intruders. A few minutes later i went downstairs to get my daughter a bottle. As i was standing in the kitchen i felt this rush of wind like a cold spot. I thought a window was open but they were all shut when i checked. I felt someone standing next to me just after the cold spot started. Our TV turns on and off by itself and we get alot of phone calls with no one there to say hello. I guess its something i just live with and become used to. It seems to happen in spurts and then its quiet again. I know an old german couple lived here many years ago but i dont know anything else about the house. The land my house sits on dates back to the early 1800's. There was also a treaty from the seneca indians on our property. I guess i am not scared just very interested in paranormal experiences other people have had!!!

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