
I just won $50 from Lucky Search on 01/18/2008

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The Bad ghost: Unknown location

as teenagers ( this was back in 1975) will always do, my mother, her brother and sisters sat around thinking about what they could do to unbore themselves .one night, and as usual my uncle (who is totally into the occult) suggested that they play with the ouija.My mother and her sisters (not wanting to seem like chickens) went along with it.One reason that my uncle loved playing with the ouija was because they lived in what they thought was a old haunted house. He always believed (and till this day still does) that the ghost communicated with them.Well as they sat around playing one night they started almost in a chanting manner asking the board if any one was there . After a minute or so the "heart" started to move.They asked who they were talking to.The spirit or ghost that was talking to them replied that her name was "blanca"( spanish for white). They asked if she was a good ghost or a bad. She replied bad. Well this was not enough to deter my uncle.He kept on asking her questions like how she had died, did she haunt the house they lived in and so on.from what she told them she did live in the house and she had died a violent death at the hands of her husband.Before they knew it , it was close to two in the morning , they decided that , that was enough and that they should go to bed. well the ghost had different they were putting the game away lights started to flash all over the house,strange noises started to permeated the entire house.My mother was so scared that she told her brother and sisters to kneel down and start praying.But it didn't seem to help.Things just got worse,but just then things slowly and very gradually started to quiet down.After that night things do not get any better.It seemed that they had allowed a "bad" ghost to enter there home, and she was hell bent on making there life a living hell.All types of things would happen such as, lights turning off and on,unexplained moving of objects,noises, and especially ghostly appreances.Well it was to much for my grandparents to handle they decided to move after only living in the house for about three months.

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