Honduras '96
Honduras 1996
16 foot cross I carried in the Village of Limon in Honduras.
I'm the guy in the red shirt. Pastor David is on the left,
Drew Williams and Roger Engle on the right.
As I write this letter, I am resting in my hammock in Palacios, Honduras. Since my last Newsletter, in August 1995, I returned home to Crystal River FL and assisted Pastor James Murray as the Associate Pastor at New Life Christian Center, the very same church where I gave my life to Jesus Christ 8 years ago. “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new” 2 Cor. 5:17.
Shortly after returning home, as I was carrying the cross down US 19 in Crystal River, I met a motorist who stopped to talk with me. His name is Lance Rowe. Lance had just moved to Crystal River from Chattanooga TN where he had been street preaching with Mike Siemer, the same brother in Christ who introduced me to the ministry of carrying the cross 6 or 7 years ago. Lance, Mike and I with other soldiers for Christ, invaded Satan's parties of Fantasy Feast in Key West, Mardi Gras in New Orleans and the St. Patrick's Day Parade in Savannah GA. We carried the cross and preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Lance and I began a “daily” devotion on the CB radio each day. At 8AM, we would select a scripture and preach it on the radio. After 8 months of morning devotions, the fruit became bountiful as we fellowshipped with “Golden Eagle” and “Mother Nature”, “New Name”, “Jitterbug”, “Romper Stomper”, “Victory” and many others. “Neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase.., for we are God's building.” I Cor.3:7&9 and “so shall my word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall NOT return void, but shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.” Isa. 55:11. I give thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ for his Word which has not returned void.
The Lord blessed me with the wisdom to build a cross with a loudspeaker built inside using a CB radio with a PA, and amplifier, a motorcycle battery and an outside speaker. Lance & I would carry the crosses to the US 19 and Hwy 44 intersection and preach as cars waited at the stop light. Praise God, the “bread of Life” is free to those who will receive it. Jesus said “The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are Life.” John 6:63.
As I began to prepare for the outreach to Honduras, I felt the beckoning call of the Lord tugging at my heart for another long term stay to help Frank and Tami as well as evangelism in this land which is so hungry for the Bread of Life. On June 10th, a wonderful team of hard working men and women from New Life Christian Center came to Honduras with me. We traveled to LaSerinia to help build a water tower in this village which has a poor quality of drinking water as well as poor access to get it. A 15 minute walk one way then to climb a hill and travel back with a heavy 5 gallon bucket of water is all they have. Frank quoted a scripture, which I have taken to heart. .“Whoever gives one of these little ones only a cup of cold water in the name of a disciple, assuredly, I say to you, he shall by no means lose his reward”. Matt. 10:42, (for those of you who came, a team from Oral Roberts University have completed the second level of the water tower). There will be 3 levels in height before we can build the water tank on top. A pump will fill the tank with water, when its done and the weight of the water will provide water pressure for the whole village.
The well screens arrived today so Frank can complete some other water well projects in villages along the sea. He also has several churches in construction. Cement blocks are being formed in front of his house for these projects.
Last week I went up the river 6 hours to the village of Seco with a Dental team. Dr. Ray Storm and 7 others spent 4 days pulling teeth, filling and cleaning teeth for over 100 people each day.
Children only 5-6 years old had several if not all teeth decayed. One child had 6 teeth pulled (3 the 1st day and 3 the second). Some people only in their 20's had only a few teeth left. I've never witnessed so many rotted teeth, some with infections. I had several tasks one being emptying the spit pail, which I found repulsive and made me dry heave violently, causing me to almost throw up. I had to hold down some children so they would not jerk their head while the Doctor pulled the teeth (or gave shots). In the meantime, I got to practice my Spanish as I tried to keep some order with the lines of people outside waiting. I gave out evangelistic tracks while they waited although only about 60 percent of the people could read. Some could not even read a single letter of the alphabet. The Dental team had a woman who gave away used seeing eye glasses and would test them with her letter chart. Today, they are in Belin pulling teeth.
Walking to a village in the Jungle.
John Tayler flew into Palacios today with a family from North Carolina. John has been preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Jungle of Honduras for over 20 years. I believe he is in his 50's now. On some trips, he will walk 100 miles, preaching from one village to the next. Almost everyone in this part of Honduras (the Mosquito coast) knows John Taylor. He comes several times each year for 2 months or more. He tells of one trip where it flooded and he built a raft for his back pack and swam across. The water was crystal clear and as he swam he could see the forest below him, like he was flying over the tree tops.
On my return trip to Palacios from LaCeiba, after seeing my mission team from home return to the states, we rode a bus to Limon. Although this is not practiced by the Catholic church, the Catholics of Limon were celebrating a feast for the day John the Baptist was beheaded. The ceremony was brought here from Africa. Prior to the feast, they went to the village people and threatened them with a curse if they did not participate. They told Pastor David, of one our churches; his daughter would die that night if he did not come. At the height of the ceremony, they beheaded several chickens and 40 cows and pigs. “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge..” Hosea 4:6. “The things which the Gentiles sacrifice they sacrifice to demons and not to God..” I Cor. 10:20.
After we had church that night, we went down to the beach to the large structure built out of Palm tree leaves. The drums were beating as they danced. The only light inside was a flashlight and we could see the light shining through the Palm leaves. We prayed for 10 minutes and returned to the Pastors house as we still had to drive 3 hours to LaCeiba on these poorly kept roads.
Jesus said, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free”. John 8:31-32
In August, Frank & I hope to travel to Belize, Guatemala and El Salvador to carry the cross and hand out tracts and Preach in the streets.
Please pray for your missionaries. May God Bless You richly and may his face smile upon you.