After one of our trips to Honduras in 2003 Mike Awe felt burdened to help support these Pastors so that they could stay in their church's and continue to minister to the people of their community, instead of leaving their villages for weeks or months at a time to create an income!
David Smith and his Family - Director of Gospel Crusades La Mosquitia
Pastors currently supported:
Gustavo--Music Minister
David Smith -- GC Director
Wellington--GC Pastor in Kury
Jaime--AG Pastor in Kury
Crispen -- CG overseer
Sepriano -- CG Pastor in Batania
Nelson -- GC Youth Pastor in Batania
Juan -- GC Pastor in Rio Platano
AG - Assemblies of God
GC - Gospel Crusades
CG - Church of God
Also supported:
Dunia -----------------------------Female teacher in Frank's Institute.
The annual average income for the people of Honduras, being one of the poorest of the third world countries, is less than $400 per year. They are very hard working people, mostly farmers and fishermen. The average tithe collection they receive from their church's, to support the Pastors, is between $1 to $10 American each week. Because of this, these men must leave the church for several weeks, or even months at a time, in order to work and make a living. The farmers must leave the village, and travel up the river to their farm near harvest time, to protect the crops from thieves and animals as the fruit begins to come forth until the harvest when they pick the fruit and deliver it to the buyers.
The fishermen, leave their villages to take a ship out to sea, where they may spend several weeks at a time diving for lobster, or netting for fish. In the interim, the church has no Pastor, the people don't gather to worship, and the church is weakened!
It is our hope, that by providing a monthly support system, that these men of God could remain at home and not have to leave the church vulnerable and without leadership!
Currently, the fund is receiving about $300 per month which is split among these Pastors. $600 per month is needed to keep these men at home!
If you wish to help support these Pastors, please contact
or by mail
Mike Awe
PO BOX 1355
If you wish to send a check for these Pastors, make chack out to "New Testament Mission and Church" and send to the above address!