BSB Library

This section contains books about the BSB and websites where you can purchase them


When you visit these sites, do a search and type in Backstreet Boys, and about 15-20 different books are listed and you can purchase them on the web for discounted prices!

The Library

Backstreet Boys Confidential - 96 pages of color photos and plenty of information on each boy, and how the group got together. Very informational. Costs $16.95 US.

The Heart and Soul of Nick Carter - 182 pages. Written by Nick's Mom. You will learn a whole lot about Nick by reading this book. There's  also an introduction by Nick, and an ultimate Nick Quiz in back so you can test your knowledge. Costs $9.50 US.

Backstreet Boys: Backstage Pass - 48 color pages. This book doesn't go into a whole lot of detail about them or how they got their start, but it has a bunch of past and present photos, and a section on Aaron. Costs $5.99 US.

Backstreet Boys Pocket Romeo Books - Around 32 pages each. They provide a fact on each page with a picture beside it. There is one on each boy, and one on the whole group, which has more info in it. These cost $5.00 each US.

    Expect more books in the library soon, and I am going to put up a book review page, so you can e-mail      me with your thoughts on a certain book, and I can post it on my page.


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