BSB Secrets

    *nick secrets*

    * I really learned to respect people when my parents were running a senior citizen's residence years ago.

   * If I wasn't in the business, I'd become a Navy Seal or join the Special Forces.

    * I daydream about being on my boat with a pretty girl and we're just drifting in the ocean.

    *kevin secrets*

   * I flew on a harness during a show and security would not let me down!

    * I was the baby of the family; Brian was three years younger than me. When we were kids, I sometimes tortured him.

    * I'm the oldest Backstreet Boy. Now I know what I put my big brothers through!

    *brian secrets*

   * I was popular as a kid. I was known as that "blond-headed little singer boy."

     * I was held back in first grade because of my illness [at age five]. I was always a year older than my friends after that.

     * I'm usually shy till I get to know a person, then I turn into a ham.

    *howie secrets*

    * I always thought of myself as an entertainer, I never thought of myself as part of a group. It was my mom who always suggested it!

     * Auditions are so stressful, I am glad I don't have to do them anymore.

     * The one thing I would change about myself is my big nose.

    *a.j. secrets*

    * When we're touring, I bring my own pillow, my CD player, and a Beanie Baby dog.

     * My hair caught on fire during some pyrotechnics in a show.

     * I'm one of the spoiled-est only children you could ever find. Bless their hearts!


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