Frequently Asked Questions


 About the Show and Cast:

1.   Where do I write in praise of the show/cast/producers?

2.    Can I be on the show? (Here's my acting resume, etc etc)

2a.  Can you get so-and-so as a guest star?

3.    I haven't seen the show on the air in a few weeks.  Has it been cancelled?

4.    Who plays the character of . . .?

4a.   What else has so-and-so been in?

4b.   I really loved so-and-so on the show, but (s)he's not on it anymore.  Where'd they go?!?

5.    Who composed the theme music for the show and where can I buy it?

5a.  Who composed the music/sang the song I heard on the show in episode such-and-such?

6.    Where can I buy the show on DVD?


1. I'm dying to talk about the show with other fans! Are there any messageboards/emailgroups etc out there?


We have no official ties with the show and therefore no influence with anyone at FOX or DEK productions.  But we do have some very official addresses at our fingertips that may be able to get you in touch with the people you need to speak to. (Note to aspiring actors, you may want to go here for the lowdown on how to 'break into the biz.' Just follow the 'basic information' link at the bottom of the page. You won't find a better source of info anywhere on getting into the business of being an actor.)


If you'd like to let the show's producers know that you: love their work, want to be on the show, or have a suggestion about the show, write here:

Boston Public 
Manhattan Beach Studios 
1600 Rosecrans Avenue 
Building 4A, 3rd Floor 
Attention: Boston Public 
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 

If you would like to let the FOX broadcasting network know how much you appreciate their having  "Boston Public"  in their lineup, or if you have any other reason for wanting to get in touch with the powers-that-be at FOX, write here:

FOX Broadcasting Co.
P.O. Box 900
Beverly Hills, CA 90213


The last we knew, the show was signed for another 22 episodes for the upcoming 2001-02 season.


A short list of Who's who and where else you have seen them: Lisa Greer, Jenna Miller, Dana Poole, Sheryl Holt, Christine Banks, Tyronn Anderson, Tina Knowles (Really have a close look at the links on the left hand side of the pages for these folks as well as the other guest stars as you may find some interesting links such as schedules for upcoming appearances on TV.)

Note: Whenever anyone comes to us looking for information on actors that have appeared on the show, we always point them in the same direction: The Internet Movie Database.  If you have never been there you will find yourself wandering around there for hours looking up actors and movies you haven't thought of in a dog's age! :^) The information on the guest stars of "Boston Public" is fairly up-to-date, but if you should happen to know of a few names that don't appear on the IMDb's  list be sure to register with them and update the information.  They are very appreciative of all efforts to keep their database as correct as possible.


At this time neither the theme music by Thomas Newman of "American Beauty" fame, nor the original scores by Danny Lux are available for purchase on CD.  (You can, however, buy numerous other works of Newman's at

You might try writing to FOX and expressing your interest in purchasing the music. Perhaps they will take the idea of making it available to the public under consideration since there seems to be a great deal of interest in it. For now, you'll either have to tape it directly from the show or download it from our website. 

As for other music on the show, sometimes I know the answer of who the original musicians are, sometimes I do not.  For example, I can tell you that Tyronn sang a lovely version of Roberta Flack's "Killing Me Softly," and that Guber conducted a condensed version of the "Allegro con fuoco" 4th movement of Dvorak's 9th symphony entitled, "From the New World."

But your best chance of finding out more about a piece of music you heard on the show would be to post your query to the bulletin boards where you will have a larger and more varied group of people reading your question,  thereby raising your odds of getting a correct answer.


The show is not available on DVD at this time.  However, as is the case with the theme music, if enough people let FOX know what they want, they just might give it to you! :^)


What fun is being a fan if you have no one else to talk about the show with, right?  There are several bulletin boards, forums and clubs out there to join, a few of the larger ones being:


The Boston Public Fan Site Discussion Forum

Yahoo! Boston Public Clubs (my fave being this one)

Official FOX Board

Google/Deja Usenet group


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