Allison at the Movies

A Few Words: Ah, so you have found yourself at my page for movie reviews. I hope in coming here you know that I know I'm no professional. I'm not doing this because I want to be the next Siskel and Ebert (which would be really hard anyway considering I'm only one person). My aim here has more to do with the fact that I happen to like rambling on (and on...and on) about movies I've seen and my friends...well, they get more than a bit sick of hearing me at times. I need an outlet, dammit!

Now, because I am a hopeless amateur at these things, the first thing I'm going to tell you is that I don't promise to always make sense. And I don't promise to always express my opinion in a way that the professionals would consider professional (i.e. "this movie sucked so bad I mistook it for a black hole"). I have devised a "grading system", but I assure you the entire thing was thought up more for fun than something to actually base the quality of a movie on. My goal here is more to have fun than to benefit the movie world at large. I can only hope the experience is is enjoyable to you as a reader.

Speaking of you, I will say one thing: if you don't agree with a particularly strong opinion I have on any movie then tell me!. At the end of the review, where my e-mail address should be, I'll always put an invitation to challenge my opinion and (even though it sounds a bit sarcastic), I'm seriously willing to hear it. There's nothing like a little healthy debate. And hey, if I like what you say, I may even post it as a counter-review (with your permission, of course). Also, if you have any movies you would like for me to view and possibly review, I'd love to hear which ones. I'm always looking for a good movie to love (or a bad movie to make fun of). My only rule is to *please* make it something I can find at my local Blockbuster seeing as how I don't make it to the theater as often as I would like. Oh, and I don't do horror. Just letting you know that right now. Creepy, yes. Horror, no. What can I say? I'm a scaredy-cat.

Guess that's 'bout it. Enjoy!


Grading System Explained

Lord of the Rings: the Fellowship of the Ring
The Faculty
Moulin Rouge
Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
(with a bonus mini-review of Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones (the trailer)

Eye of the Beholder

Ready to take me up on that couter-review? Make my day.
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