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WOOHOO finally got some pics to post you a page...LOL about friggin' time...sheesh...hahah....Well this is Dave....what a nice guy he is....he is so REAL and full of life....SOOO GOOFY....has a heart of gold....loyal and so honest....would do anything and everything for his friends....smooches!!

ummm, aren't you posed to be working'?

hmmm, well Dave I'm glad that we ran into each other in Yahell....cuz it has been fun and you have been there for me when I needed to talk about what's going on with me right now...between D and you I think you 2 are really going to pull me out of my hole and bring me back to life.  :) I know your worried about me right now but you know what?  I'm growing from all this and will be ok...I PROMISE!!!

going to save a life eh? :)

I'm so THANKFUL for friends like you and I hope you know it.  Those times that you call me to make sure I'm doing ok...pulls that frown to a smile...you may not know that but it does...and means a lot to me too. mwah!!!  All those silly sounds you send me...LMAO cluttering up my mail box....grrrrr...I'm JOKING babe...really I am I love it!!!  Our time in chat when I was away and you and D calling out for me...LMAO....I don't know about you 2 together...could be a scary sight....JOKE...times in ICQ learning all the gidgets and gadgets to it...laughing the whole time....making me smile!!!

mmm...nothing like a man in a uniform!! hehe

Our friendship will just grow from here Dave and I truly treasure it to the fullest extent. TY TY TY sooo much for being there for me Dave....MWAHHHHHH