Birthdate: November 17, 1979
Height: 6'2" Weight: 200 lbs. College: West Virginia University
Major: Aerospace/Mechanical Engineering
Instant Messenger: Bumpin4u
Particpation In Sports: Baseball, racquetball, lifting, sand volleyball
A "Dutch Oven" is: That is when you fart under the covers.
Favorite Song: Grasshopper Unit (Keep Movin') --Beastie Boys
Favorite Band: Beastie Boys
Best Concert Ever Attended: Lynyrd Skynyrd
Motto: "Keepin' it real; Bros before ho's"
Favorite Cartoon: Bugs Bunny
Shoe Size: 12
Favorite Soft Drink: Mt. Dew
Favorite Beverage: There is no better beer on earth than that of a Rolling Rock out of a bottle, it'a unique state of beer.
Claim to Fame: I go to WVU, do I need anything else?
If You Could Have One Meal It Would Be: A 20 oz. Fillet Mignon with a hugh hunk of blackened swordfish
Connect 4: Black or Red? You can't stop the red checkers!
Favorite Ice Cream: Just plain old chocolate or cookie dough.
Favorite Holiday: Christmas, but New Years is a close second
If You Won The Lottery (Big Jackpot), Name One Thing You'd Do: I would go to Austalia for one month to do nothing but ski bum all day.
Why Did I Decide To Put You On My Website? 1. I bring such a sense of prestige to your site. 2. See Mallon's #2 3. I can sing almost any song ever made. 4. Confucious say: Man with penis in peanut butter jar is f---ing nuts.
Favorite Garment: My tearaway Adidas pants and a beater
Boxers or Briefs? Boxers, you gotta hang loose
Toothpaste Of Choice: Colgate--baking soda with fluoride
Favorite Movie: Goodfellas, ask me about the Morgantown Mafia
Most Annoying TV Jingle: The freaking Chili's baby back ribs commercials
In 25 Words Or Less, Who Is 'Da Man', and why? Da man is who is going to check yo ass into da smack down hotel!!