Birthdate: April 23, 1979
Height: 6' Weight: 165 lbs---and still gaining
College: Kansas University
Major: Business
Instant Messenger: AlwaysLess
Particpation In Sports: Boxing, haha, no joke.
A "Dutch Oven" is: How the dutch choose to Hotbox it.
Favorite Song: Just don't give a f--- by Click To See A Pic! a.k.a. Slim Shady
Favorite Band: Company Flow
Best Concert Ever Attended: Hieroglyphics
Motto: "If you f--- with me one time, you're a b~tch. If you f--- with me two times, I'm the b~tch"
Favorite Cartoon: Denver the Dinosaur (he's my friend and a whole lot more)
Shoe Size: 11
Favorite Soft Drink: Dr. Pepper
Favorite Beverage: Mickey's Gernade's are so wonderul, however Vodka Straight wins out again.
Claim to Fame: World's best dj; and my mixtape is only 6 dollars, hit me up and you can get a copy
If You Could Have One Meal It Would Be: Macaroni and Cheese, SPIRAL kind most definetly.
Connect 4: Black or Red? Start red finish black.
Favorite Ice Cream: Daquori Ice at Baskin Robbins
Favorite Holiday: Valentines, Yeah right, that is the worst...I guess Christmas or my birthday about the same importance because I'm agnostic.
If You Won The Lottery (Big Jackpot), Name One Thing You'd Do: I already have the best turntables in the world, but maybe I would get my own dance club.
Why Did I Decide To Put You On My Website? Because: 1. I'm making Real Audio for your site; 2. I've slept with you (D.C.); 3. We both laugh at the fact Brice is Dickey Penis Head; and 4. I am teh greatest greestyler, and the best DJ
Favorite Garment: Whatever's comf, usually my Mr. Long Nose Underwear, I have a picture if any of the ladies want to see what I mean.
Boxers or Briefs? Boxers over my briefs...This way it looks like I have a really nice ass...haha, kidding...all boxers.
Toothpaste Of Choice: Vodka works well.
Favorite Movie: A Brief Wrinkle In Time, or Last Temptation of Christ, but you can't' forget about the Doom Generation.
Most Annoying TV Jingle: I haven't watched TV for so long, but probably one of the Pringles ones, "Once you pop you caaaan't stop"
In 25 words or less, who's 'da man'? Unlike everyone else kissing Pegor's ass...I would like to be totally modest and say Andrew Mallon is. The reasons limitless, what?! That's 25??

What's Going On Man!! Awww...Look How Cute Walk Like An Egyptian