Birthdate: July 25, 1979
Height: 5'3 Weight: Whatever you think
College: Villanova University
Major: Secondary Education
E'mail: or
Instant Messenger: BradyAtVU or Woopi1
Particpation In Sports: Not unless sitting on your ass counts.
A "Dutch Oven" is: How should I know? I'm not domestic. I plan on marrying rich and having a maid and a cook.
Favorite Song: Callin Baton Rouge
Favorite Band: The Dixie Chicks, DMB, or BNL
Best Concert Ever Attended: DMB--the second one of the summer
Motto: "I like who I am and the rest can KISS it!"
Favorite Cartoon: Animaniacs
Shoe Size: 8
Favorite Soft Drink: First of all, it's POP, not a soft drink, and my fav is SURGE!!
Favorite Beverage: Jungle Juice
Claim to Fame: I braved a monsoon to partake in the 1998 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
If You Could Have One Meal It Would Be: A Primanti's Sandwich
Connect 4: Black or Red? Once you go black you never go back!!
Favorite Ice Cream: Cookie Dough or Mint Chocolat Chip
Favorite Holiday: Christmas and my Birthday
If You Won The Lottery (Big Jackpot), Name One Thing You'd Do: I would buy a house in Hawaii and move there forever!
Why Did I Decide To Put You On My Website? 1. I'm adorable! 2. BNL rules and no one knows that like Pete, Pegor, or me! 3. I've gone down in Hampton history as the best damn president and biggest flirt! 4. Did I mention I'm adorable?
Boxers or Briefs? For the boys: Boxers all the way
Toothpaste Of Choice: I'm a Crest Kid
Favorite Movie: Gone With the Wind, Ferris Bueller, or Happy Gilmore
Most Annoying TV Jingle: Any commercial produced by Old Navy! Performance Fleece sucks!
In 25 Words Or Less, Who Is 'Da Man', and why? Da Man is the guy who can "Borgie, Borgie, Borgie like the Swedish Chef!" fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twentyone, twentytwo, twentythree, twentyfour, twentyfive!