Birthdate: July, 25, 1980
Height: 6'1" Weight: 179 lbs
College: United States Military Academy
Major: Economics, Engineering
E'mail: or
Instant Messenger: trU Docta
Participation In Sports: GOLF...and I have gymnastics, boxing, and swimming class
A "Dutch Oven" is: It has something to do with a sauna, but coed with no towels.
Favorite Song: Gotta be Sabotage by The Beastie Boys; or any Outkast
Favortie Band: Cake, Dave Matthews Band, Toad the Wet Sprocket
Best Concert Ever Attended: Dave Matthews Band, June 5th, 1998
Motto: "Someone is always watching, so trust yourself and God,
Beat the system, because there is always a way.
Favorite Cartoon: Simpsons; and those japanimations are cool
Shoe Size: 11
Favorite Soft Drink: Dr. P
Favorite Drink: Long Island Iced Tea, Two hoots and a cootch
(Clayton and I copywrite that one)
Claim to Fame: General Mangold...PGA Tour superstar; The only
ever recorded perfect score in the AL BUNDY HOOTER SLAM
Connect 4: Black or Red ? Ritz crackers are fun to play with cause
you can eat them when the game is over.
Favorite Ice Cream: Mint Chocolate Chip Cookie
Favorite Holiday: Spring Break
Favorite Garment: My camouflage speedo
Why Did I Decide You To Put On My Website: Dude, I'm so money
and you don't even know it, I regulate freaks AND the
wiggity kids, and I wear a black ski mask quite well (Right on Pete, Houston Outlaws forever!)
If You Won The Lottery (Big Jackpot), Name One Thing You'd Do: Gotta be life in the Bahamas
Boxers or Briefs: Boxer briefs are the best of both worlds, but I like a nice loose pair of boxers
Toothpaste Of Choice: Colgate with whitening
If You Could Have One Meal, It Would Be: Fuddruckers (if I'm allowed back there)
Favorite Movie: Billy Madison, X-Files, Mallrats, A Christmas Story
Most Annoying TV Jingle: Anything by Old Navy (I just feel like tracking down those people and punching them.
In 25 Words Or Less, Who Is 'Da Man', and why? You are da man, I'm just a man. I'm suck of guys, cause there are NO real girls in the Army. I can't wait to rake in the big money, and I like to ski...shit, I ran over 25 words, sorry.