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The Wind Storm Early Morning My Riches


The Wind Storm

I stood watching as the wind storm raged outside my window. It wiped through the trees bending and breaking branches with its horrendous force. The leaves swirled ferociously about like snowflakes caught in a whirlwind. Its force was like nothing I had ever witnessed before. I stood paralyzed, overwelmed by the tremendous power of the howling wind. Trembling I realized nothing on earth can compare to the mighty powers of God! (c) 1991


Early Morning

I listen to the wind rustle the trees, enjoying the feel of the light morning breeze. I listen to the birds sing their beautiful songs, enjoying this moment just before dawn. I listen to all of nature's sweet sounds, a more peaceful time cannot be found. This is the way God meant it to be, He created it all for you and for me. I listen as the people begin to awake, my solitude is gone as a new day breaks. Tomorrow will be another day, and I'll begin it again in the very same way. (c) 1991


My Riches

I do not live in a palace like a King or Queen, or feast on Caviar or expensive cuisine. For this kind of wealth I have no desire, I have far greater riches than a King can acquire. I live in a home on five acres of land, surrounded by things not made by man. There are flowers that bloom and giant oak trees, that provide a home for the squirrels and bee's. There are chiken's and lizard's and dog's that roam, in the luxurious, green grass around my home. There are blue birds and black birds and red birds galore, and peacock's with colors never seen before. There is a slow running creek filled with fish and frogs, along with ducks and geese sunning on logs. There are owl's and turtle's and cricket's and more, encompassed by water and woods to explore. The air is filled with astonishing sounds, on the wonders of nature man cannot expound. The can have their palace and their fancy clothes, God has granted me riches far greater than those. (published) (c)1991

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With Pen In Hand created by Debbie Seko, All poetry on this site is copyrighted by the author. Please do not use without the author's expressed consent. seko@bellsouth.net Last modified: March, 2000