Mister Ed puppet by Mattel toy company in 1960's
there was another model with a satin type mane this one had a yarn mane
and was made in 1962. Pull the string and you heard one of 10 random phrases:

Listen to them below using real audio player FREE download


Click a phrase to hear the puppet
The phone is ringing shall I answer?
My shoes are good luck.
Just call me Mr Ed.
My girl friend has a pony tail.
Isn't it silly talking to a horse?
I'm a horse Of course... "whinny"
I'll be the horse you be the buggy.
Who has a horse face...."snort"
Come on lets talk.
Oh...horse feathers.

For those of you who do not have Real Audio
Here is the audio using the windows media player

CLICK HERE to hear all of the puppet phrases

Comments & Info From:
July 1998
Thomas "Tad" Dunn

I just happen to have one of those cool Mr. Ed puppets by Mattel too. The difference is that mine was given to me by the person who was the VOICE of Mr. Ed. Awwww Wilburrrr! He was a family friend, really my Dad's friend. He showed up at our house one X-mas day in his huge royal blue Cadillac, with the trunk and back seat loaded with puppets. He told me c'mon Tad lets go find some poor kids around town and give 'em a surprise they won't forget. He didn't have to ask me twice.... That's the kind of guy he was."Rocky" Lane was the voice of Mr. Ed. My Dad T.W. "Wally" Dunn is a famous thoroughbred horse trainer (now 86 years young) He knew Rocky from the track where all the movie stars used to hang out during the early days. It was the in place to be. I was just a ten year old kid when Mr. Ed made his debut, but had known Rocky before that. I believe he regarded it as a bit of a hoot, because he had made some serious dramas and was in some of the old westerns. I still run into him on some of the cable channels now and then, and there's that famous voice! He used to drop by our house in Arcadia from time to time, where he and Dad would have a few drinks and play the piano and start to sing! Rocky died of lung cancer.

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Pumpkin - Ed's double

established November 1, 1997

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