Author's Note: I know, I know, what is Trish doing writing a new fic when she hasn't even completed Lullaby Girls?! Well people, I needed a change of pace and I felt suffocated focusing on just one fic alone. So I decided to do this one. Don't worry, I'll get the next chapter of LG out by the end of the week.
Characters are not mine. They belong to Square.

The Calling

Chapter One: Initiation



The voice belonged to Irvine Kinneas, who was currently on a nothing mission with Seifer.

“Was that Quistis? God, that woman! Making us come here. What'd she think would happen anyway? What are we supposed to find? Local teens on a riot? Great, I'm freezing my butt off here!” Seifer grumbled, for lack of anything better to do.

The mission, as stated by their squad leader Quistis Trepe, was to investigate the forests of Balamb. Not just any forests, but the ones near the outskirts- out beyond the populated areas of Balamb city, the regions where they had not ventured during the Sorceress' War. A recent report of troublemakers making all sorts of god-awful noise was something that the residents thought was a job for SeeD. And somehow, it was Irvine and Seifer who were assigned to it, out of all the other not-as-important-as-us SeeD.

At least, in Seifer's opinion.

“Yeah, she wanted to find out if we've reached the fringe of the forest. She thinks there's enough in the report to justify a scouting party” Irvine informed his less than impressed teammate.

“Pfft.” Seifer mumbled, before looking at what was in front of him, “why exactly did Quistis think she could call us for this? We are SeeD! Not lord of watchmen for Hyne's sake.”

Irvine shrugged, choosing to inspect the dark wooded area instead of answering his partner. He would not call Seifer a friend, not exactly…

After the Sorceress Wars, Seifer had been living near the Balamb docks. Living day to day as a fisherman with his posse. It was only until he could no longer stand the stench of fresh fish that he decided it was time to go back to the Garden. Or so Seifer told every one. Cid had allowed him back after his loyalty was proven with a series of tests and eventually he became what he had wanted to be.
A SeeD.

His relationship with the rest of the orphanage gang was still strained but after a few weeks of silent truce and even a normal (but brief) conversation with Squall, things were presumably back to normal. Status quo ante... Or back to the normal way things used to be before everything

The radio in Irvine's right hand started up again and Quistis was heard from the other end. “Command to field leader. I repeat, command to field leader! Irvine, can you hear me? We...COM Centre is...ble. Repeat. We...”

And the line was cut off. Static crackled and whined through the speaker, but no voice carried across the miles. Dead.

Hmm, that was odd. “Hey Seifer, we should head back.”

“Man, we've come this far. Let's just check out the place. We don't want to come back again do we? Don't tell me you're chicken?”

“Chicken might work on Zell, Seifer, but unlike you, I have orders to follow.”

“I didn't hear Quistis give any new orders. And when the hell did you start becoming Squall's clone? Come on! We should check it out.” Seifer motioned to the forest already walking away from the pathway.

Without waiting for Irvine, he entered the woodland and into the darkness.

“Seifer!” Not hearing a response, Irvine muttered a curse before following the route Seifer just took.


This is tons of fun. Irvine thought acerbically while trying to swat about five tiny but vicious bloodsuckers from his uncovered hands. After thirty minutes of walking through the dark and getting acquainted with the local breed of mosquitoes, Irvine had long since given up the notion of ever finding Seifer. He's probably back at the Garden already.

Reaching that conclusion, Irvine decided to go back the way he came. Only, the trail he had taken seemed similar to the one he was already taking. Which was similar to the one on his left. And right.


Irvine Kinneas was officially lost… As lost as Little Bo Peep's sheep.

“Seifer!!!!” All that answered was silence.

Giving it one last shot, Irvine decided to call out again.


This time a faint rustle by the bush at his side caught his attention. Irvine paused, before turning slightly. The sound stopped at his movement. Only to be replaced by the thud of heavy footsteps. Dub, dub, dub. The thud of feet- four if Irvine listened closely, on moist ground.  

Not Seifer.

Taking out his shotgun, Irvine moved back. Most people stayed in at night. And if Irvine had reminded himself of that, he might have used his limit break. Definitely not his normal firepower, though it was enough to kill a T-rex with just one shot. Indeed.

“Oh Hyne.”

Two yellow eyes were all that Irvine saw before he fell to the ground...


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