This page is for the Wolves, Wolf Dogs, Dogs, Cats infact
any creature that has shared and touched our lives at some
point and passed over to the next world!

Dogs truly are some of natures finest jewels, dazzling
us in so many ways.They understand us so well, encouraging
us to carry on when things look bleak. Then they share our
happiness with an enthusiasm and love second to none when
the sun shines once again in our lives.

We none of us know just how long we are destined to
stay on this Earth, but if that time is spent with those whom
we love faithfully, and who in return love us as family,
then surely our lives have been blessed.

Always remember your precious friend with love,
knowing that kindred spirits will, in the fullness of time,
be reunited...Storm Wolf

I'm sure there are many of you out there who would like
to pay tribute to your pets that have passed over by
placing their memory here in the Hall of Remembrance.
Just fill in the form at the bottom of this page and leave the
rest to us. If you would like to include a photo, send it to us
by e-mail.

Tammy (German Shepherd)
Born: 05/24/1983
Died: 03/04/1996
Washington, Tyne & Wear, England.

Message From Storm Wolf

A day never goes by that you are not in my thoughts. 
As long as my heart beats and there
is breath in my body, your memory will never die.

Storm Wolf

Buck (Wolf Dog)
Born: 1990
Died: 04/12/2000
Harwood, Texas, U.S.A.

Message From Shelly Braden

My loyal trusty friend, your song will
be forever in my heart.

Shelly Braden

Tilly (Cat)
Born: 1985
Died: 06/03/2000
California, U.S.A.

Message From Samantha Bronson (12 Years Old)

I miss you so much and I can still feel
you presence in every room, and I hear your
purring before I go to sleep! I will never
forget you.


Thank you for visiting this special page at
'Sacred Winds'

Your Full Name:

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Your Friends Name:

Type of Animal: (e.g.: Wolf, Dog, Horse etc.)

Born: Died:

Place of Birth:

Enter any message that you would like to include

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This site was created on April 1st 2000 by Storm Wolf
©Copyright 2000, Storm Wolf. All Rights Reserved.
No part of this site or any material within this site may be
used without the expressed written permission from the author.