
The new series Party of five *SPOILERS*
posted by spaceman on 06:51 12/11/1998


i'm here in the u.s of a and have seen an episode from the new season of P of 5. whoa, so much seems to be going on.......daphne has given birth to a premature baby that gets named diana - after the families mother. daphne is rejecting the baby, charlie and daphne are now married. julia has a boyfriend at stanford and after bailey tells sarah that he doesn't want children right away she doesn't want to sleep with him just in case she gets pregnant!


Who is Jennifer Love Hewitt ?
posted by Sharpe on 16:49 12/11/1998

Could any of you PO5 fans help me? A new film about Audrey Hepburn is to be made, and the radio chappie said the lovely Audrey is to played by Jennifer Love Hewitt??? from PO5.

Could someone please reassure me that this is NOT the helium-voiced child who is the younger of the two sisters?

I await your reply with some measure of trepidation.

Re: Who is Jennifer Love Hewitt ?
posted by spaceman on 17:55 12/11/1998

the wait is over!!!

you're talking about 'claudia' - the girl that is in 'lost in space'.

J.L.Hewitt plays sarah - bailey's girlfriend. she is also in the 'i know what you did last summer' movies.

happy now? :-)

Thank Christ for that!
posted by Sharpe on 18:03 12/11/1998

Thank you spaceman, you've made an old fool very happy. I have no idea who she is, but now I know who she isn't, I am content.

Reruns of earlier series
posted by Beatrix on 19:22 13/11/1998

Channel 4, would you consider, if you're not going to show the 5th season for a while, to show the past seasons? There are lots of viewers out there that haven't seen, well, all of them. And since it's a running story, it would also refresh the memory of the viewers who have seen them. Yes? No??

Re: The new series Party of five *SPOILERS*
posted by spaceman on 10:20 20/11/1998


i don't know where you're getting your info from but i watched a brand new episode of P of 5 here in san francisco last night and the weird thing is that charlie keeps refering to daphne as his WIFE!! does that seem strange to you if she's just living in the house? it does to me.


p.s. i visited the house on tuesday and it was so cool to run up the stairs to the front door. the numbers have been changed to tacky looking shiny brass ones and the interior isn't half as nice as on the show.

Re: Party Of Five
posted by John on 21:36 21/11/1998

In "Re: Party Of Five", c4ve wrote:
> We still have the rights to Year 4 of this series but it is not currently scheduled.
> Please keep an eye on TV lisrtings for further info.
This contradicts what someone else from C4VE said a few days ago to the effect that C4 didn't have the rights to the new season. You've already shown season 4 - that was the one that ended earlier this year - so can you please confirm that you meant season 5.

posted by john-Paul on 15:34 22/11/1998

Yes, now dont start pulling a fast one on us like you have done with Dawsons Creek, if you keep on neglecting the demand of these highly popular shows I can guarentee that you will start looseing a great many viewers, these shows have proven to be very poular and you would be very foolish not to continue these shows after they have aquired such a large following.

posted by Richard on 13:45 30/11/1998

It does seem that with the people in Party of Five beginning to get famous over here for other upcoming film roles that a re-run of the whole thing from the start backed up with a big advertising campaign would probably be a success.
Surely the cost for re-run rights can't be _that_ high?????