Waste incinerator permit
Air Quality Operating Permit for Emission Sources, Safety Waste Incineration, Wasilla
Category: Public Notices
Department: Environmental Conservation
Publish Date: 04/05/2004
Location: Statewide
Coastal District: N/A
Body of Notice:
Applicant: Safety Waste Incineration
Location: The facility is physically located at Mile 11, Knik Goose Bay Road, Wasilla, AK
Activity: The facility is engaged in the collection and incineration of hospital/medical/infectious wastes and commercial and industrial solid wastes.
As required by 18 AAC 50, effective January 18, 1997, SWI applied for an Operating Permit for Safety Waste Incineration. The owner or operator submitted an application on September 15, 2000, and application amendments on October 17, 2002 and December 5, 2003. This public notice is for the Draft Operating permit only.
Emissions: The significant air contaminant emission source is one intermittently-fed waste incinerator; Consumat Waste Disposal System Model C-75P-2. The potential annual emissions of regulated air contaminants at the facility will not exceed: 0.85 tons of Particulate Matter (PM-10), 0.90 tons of Nitrogen Oxides (NOx), 0.40 tons of Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), 0.70 tons of Carbon Monoxide (CO), 0.05 tons of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) and 6.11 tons of HCl. The total emissions of regulated air contaminants are 9.01 tons per year.
Department Preliminary Review: Based on review of the Operating Permit application, ADEC concurs that the facility will comply with emission standards listed in 18 AAC 50.040 - 090. The Department has drafted a Statement of Basis including a preliminary permit decision to issue an operating permit for the Safety Waste Incineration.
Available Information: Copies of ADEC's draft Operating Permit and preliminary Statement of Basis are available at the following offices:
ADEC/APP 610 University Avenue, Fairbanks, AK 99709-3643 (907) 451-2132
ADEC/APP 410 Willoughby, Suite 303, Juneau, AK 99801-1795 (907) 465-5100
ADEC/APP 555 Cordova Street, Anchorage, AK 99501-2617 (907) 269 7577
Copies of the application are also available at the Fairbanks office. The draft Operating Permit and Statement of Basis are also available at the Department's website at: http://www.state.ak.us/dec/air/ap/calendar.htm.
Opportunity for Public Participation: Notice is also given that any interested person may present written statements relevant to the draft Operating Permit and Statement of Basis 30 days after the first publication date. Any person may request a public hearing and that hearing will be held if the Department finds that good cause exists. The Department will consider all comments received and make any changes the Department finds beneficial or necessary to assure compliance with 18 AAC 50 or State Law. The final decision to issue or deny the permit will be made after the close of the public comment period. Written comments will be included in the record if received before 5:00 p.m. May 5, 2004. ADEC complies with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Individuals with disabilities who may need auxiliary aids or services, or special modifications to participate in this public process should contact Ms. Shelly Betlej at (907) 269-7577 or through the text telephone at (907) 269 7511 (TTY) by 5:00 p.m. May 5, 2004.
Please direct written statements or requests relevant to the proposed operating permit to Ms. Cynthia Espinoza, Operating Permits Supervisor, ADEC at 555 Cordova Street, Anchorage, AK 99501.
SIP - ALASKA - 18 AAC 50.050
(a) Visibility through the exhaust effluent of an incinerator may not be reduced by visible emissions, excluding condensed water vapor, by more than 20 percent
(1) averaged over any six consecutive minutes for a municipal wastewater treatment plant sludge incinerator; or
(2) for a total of more than three minutes in any one hour for any other incinerator, including an air curtain incinerator.
(b) Particulate matter emissions from an incinerator may not exceed the particulate matter standard listed for that incinerator in Table 4 in this subsection.
Table 4
Particulate Matter Standards for Incinerators
Particulate Matter Standard
Rated capacity less than 1000 pounds per hour
No limit
Rated capacity greater than or equal to 1000 but less than 2000 pounds per hour
0.15 grains per cubic foot of exhaust gas corrected to 12 percent C02 and standard conditions, averaged over three hours
Rated capacity greater than or equal to 2000 pounds per hour
0.08 grains per cubic foot of exhaust gas corrected to 12 percent C02 and standard conditions, averaged over three hours
An incinerator that burns waste containing more than 10 percent wastewater treatment plant sludge by dry weight from a municipal wastewater treatment plant that serves 10,000 or more persons 0.65 grams per kilogram of dry sludge input
State effective: 1/18/97; EPA effective: 1/19/99