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I'll create a page similar to this one for each recipe, filling in the sections below with the ingredients, procedure, and serving size (if I need to, I'll add more sections). I'll give each page a unique title and then create a link to it from my "Recipes by Category" page.

For example, here's a recipe for quick and easy version of chicken fajitas.  (Click on the title)

Chicken Fajita

Other recipes by title:

Bar-B-Que Hamburger

Brocolli Dip

Bourbon Balls

Creamy Potato Soup

Creole Sauce Base

Fudge Cake

Grandmother Buck's home made Doughnuts

Granny's Easy Creamy Fudge

Neiman-Marcus Cookies

Persimmon Cake

Shepard's Pie

Shrimp Broth

Taco Pie

Tex-Mex Pizza