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Authors / Project Group: (Batch 1994-95):

Faisal Raza

Yasar Noor

Athar Sajjad

Zaid Hanif

8th Semester BE (Ind. Elect.),

IIEE/NED Karachi.

Project Supervisor:

Ms. Farah Bukhari

BE (Ind. Electronics), IIEE, Karachi.

Senior Instructor (Lecturer), PLC Lab.

IIEE/NED, Karachi.

Definition Of Project:

Sorting station is a mechanical, electrical and software based system which is used in the industry where the sorting of  different types of products  are required which are coming out from the production line in mix form.

 Project Description:

This system is basically an assembly line comprise of  conveyor belt (on which the material to be sorted are loaded) and the pushers which pushes the respective material off  from the conveyor in to their  respective trolley.  The present set-up can sort four types of materials (Big/ Small Metallic and Big/small Non Metallic materials).

 The system is facilitated by the error and diagnose software which continuously checks the whole system for errors in order to save the system from any severe damage, if during the operation it founds any error then not only the whole system automatically shut downs but also the respective error will be displayed along with a beep sound.

 The system is equipped with a console for user which is user friendly, all the errors are displayed on the separate display thus no special skill labor is required to operate this system.


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