Our Eagle Scouts




Here is a list of all the Eagle Scouts that have been members of Troop 85.


Name of Scout              Year

Yale Miller                         1938

Dean Hunter                      1941 

Robert Dausmann              1944

Marvin Getz                      1944

Don Rapp                           1944

William Dausmann            1945

Jack Stumpf                        1945

Al Evans                              1949

James Koch                          1949

Gerald Unks                         1956

Jim Beyer                              1959

Wesley Kautzi                       1960

Charles Price                        1960

Ron Heiniger                         1961

Chuck Ludwig                      1961      

Mike Carius                          1963

Tom Ludwig                          1963

Jerry Stetzler                         1963

Paul Plattner                          1964

David Hermann                     1966

Douglas Hermann                 1966

Craig Schwarzentraub          1966

James Ludwig                        1967

Mike Powell                           1967

Fred Hermann                       1968

Steve Elisha                            1969

Tom Mann                             1969

Daron Perry                           1969

William Roth                          1969

Mark Stonewall                      1969

Ted Taufer                              1969

Steve Thannert                        1969

Jeff Witzig                               1971

Dave Rapp                               1972

A.R. Trifonoff                          1972

William Geyer                         1973

Steve Nichol                            1973

Mark Bugaieski                       1974

Larry Porter                             1977

Dick Welch                              1979

Kevin Fort                                 1980

Bruce Hoffmire                         1980

James C. Meehan                      1980

Joel Feucht                                1981

Kevin Leman                             1981

Tom Miller                                1981

Brian Upper                              1982

Kevin Waller                             1983

Randy Waller                            1983

Dave Norman                            1984

Adam Davis                               1985

Tyrone Babcock                         1985

Donald Norman                         1985

Timothy Nelson                          1985

Michael McNutt                         1985

Dale Pope                                    1985

Todd Walker                               1985

Mark C. Wiseman                      1986 

Tony Blackman                           1986

Jon C. Maveus                             1986

Eric Lee Reuscher                        1986

Brian K. Hammond                      1988

Jason F. Jurack                             1988  


This is all that I have right now, there have been a few of them since this was updated.  I will get them published as soon as I can.


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