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This Page Is Dedicated To
Paul V. Carlson


In Memory of Paul V. Carlson

POW Flag

Thanks to Joni's Patriotic Graphics.

  • Name: Paul Victor Carlson
  • Rank/Branch: O2/US Navy
  • Unit: Fighter Squadron 96, USS ENTERPRISE (CVN-65)
  • Date of Birth: 15 March 1939
  • Home City of Record: Minneapolis MN
  • Date of Loss: 12 February 1967
  • Country of Loss: South Vietnam/Over Water
  • Loss Coordinates:
  • Status (in 1973): Killed/Body Not Recovered
  • Category: 5
  • Aircraft/Vehicle/Ground: F4B
  • Other Personnel in Incident: Martin J. Sullivan (missing)

Source: Compiled by Homecoming II Project 01 April 1990 from one or more of the following: raw data from U.S. Government agency sources, correspondence with POW/MIA families, published sources, interviews.

SYNOPSIS: LTCDR Martin J. Sullivan was a pilot assigned to assigned to Fighter Squadron 96 aboard the aircraft carrier USS ENTERPRISE. On February 12, 1967, he launched in his F4B Phantom fighter aircraft with his Radar Intercept Officer (RIO), LTJG Paul V. Carlson. The aircraft was on a local intercept training mission in the Gulf of Tonkin in the vicinity of the USS ENTERPRISE. Sullivan and Carlson were to conduct a pre-briefed simulated aerial combat maneuver with their flight leader.
During the third intercept and after two turns, the aircraft commenced a descending reversal at too low an altitude to complete prior to entry into clouds. The aircraft was seen to enter a cloud overcast at 6500 feet in a wings level, extremely nose-low attitude.
Lt. Sullivan appeared to have the aircraft under full control with the nose coming up. It is suspected that he became disoriented upon entry into the clouds and crashed into the sea. There was no indication of ejection attempted by either crew member. No radio transmissions were heard, and Search and Rescue efforts were immediately begun using aircraft assets from the USS ENTERPRISE, USS BENNINGTON and USS BAUER. USS BENNINGTON continued surface and air search throughout the night. An oil slick and debris were seen, but no survivors or remains were ever found.
Carlson and Sullivan apparently did not survive the crash of their aircraft. They are among nearly 2500 Americans who remain unaccounted for from the Vietnam War. Their cases seem simple enough, although their families grieve that their remains have never been returned to them for a hero's burial.
Tragically, thousands of reports indicate that Americans are still alive in Southeast Asia, held prisoner and waiting for their country to bring them home. Although it seems quite clear that Carlson and Sullivan are not among them, one can imagine them proudly taking one more flight for their comrades in distress. They could do no less. Can we?

Thanks to Ron Fleischer.


"All Biographical and loss information on POWs provided by Operation Just Cause have been supplied by Chuck and Mary Schantag of POWNET. Please check with POWNET regularly for updates."


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