Chalky, Dufus, Shirt, Enigma & Lupine...

...Chesterfield, Chatterton, Chesterton

Lupine and Enigma hadn't arrived yet.

For many a year, Chalky had gloated over that fact that he (and his old mucker, Haggis) had once accosted William Russell in the atrium of Panopticon 93 convention - attaining his autograph in the process.

Dufus was much annoyed by this fact. So much so that on one occasion he actually lied to Chalky and Shirt, claiming to have met Mr. Russell at the What Shop.

It took about 2 minutes for them to see through his cunning conspiracy.

Lupine and Enigma hadn't arrived yet.

Both shops had promised William Russell signings in the past but had found themselves confounded by Mr. Russell's extremely odd assertion that he would be unable to confirm attendance on any particular date until the date in question.

Lupine and Enigma hadn't arrived yet.

However, 7th Galaxy clearly managed to tie the man down, as it were, and announced a rare signing featuring Carole hang on - William Russell!

The gang arranged to meet - for once accompanied by the lovely Enigma, and the increasingly ubiquitous Lupine.

Chalky, Dufus and Shirt arrived at 7th Galaxy.

Lupine and Enigma hadn't arrived yet.

Shirt and Dufus were quite excited as it meant they would be able to add another companion's signature to their Companions books. (Little things....)

Lupine and Enigma hadn't arrived yet.

Standing in the requisite queue, Chalky, Dufus and Shirt were most entertained by discussing the colour of the shopping centre's central water feature, which had taken on a appropriately festive red colouring (appropriate because it was Christmas, you understand).

Lupine and Enigma hadn't arrived yet.

Whilst getting their photographs signed (Shirt managing to purchase one which didn't feature William Hartnell) the gang were shocked to discover that Mr. Russell was off to Mozambique for 3 years and this would be his last signing for quite a while (last signing ever, thought the gang, wondering which of his last legs Mr. Russell was currently standing on).

Lupine and Enigma hadn't arrived yet.

Dufus managed to regale Mr. Russell with ridiculous anecdotes,

"The Zarbi are my favourite monster," he said.

What no one realised was that this was cunning ruse of Dufus's design to send everyone into a coma so that he could sneak in a couple of extra video covers to have signed. Surprisingly, it worked!

Lupine and Enigma hadn't arrived yet.

And they didn't arrive for ages, either. Eventually they did, bought their photos, queued up (with Chalky - whilst Shirt and Dufus naffed off to get something to eat) and got their signatures. Then, after this briefest of meetings, the gang went their separate ways with Lupine and Enigma promising to actually get their at a reasonable time on the next occasion.


