Chalky, Dufus, Shirt and Cwej…

…Are Sinking Fast!







In their efforts to take more and more money from the increasingly poor gang, 7th Galaxy were having a signing per McGann audio release.

This month, the third, was to see the release of The Stones of Venice, and the appearance of Michael Sheard at the shop.

Armed with more money than sense the trio of Chalky, Dufus and Shirt tootled up to the shop.

Arriving in London, Dufus decided he was going to prove himself right in a long-running argument between the friends.

Due to train troubles one occasion, the gang had been forced to travel via the Jubilee Line and had come to the decision that this route was actually quicker and so had favoured it in future months.

However, Dufus was not entirely convinced and so opted to stay on the District Line whilst Chalky and Shirt went on the Jubilee Line.

Well, needless to say Chalky and Shirt were right - as always and arrived at least 15 minutes before Dufus…*(:')7669mnLuyKLuzd nbdszhk *&&&&*******dshfdsj gerroff leave the keyboard alone!!!!!!!! Okay Okay I'll tell the truth!!!

Yes, in actual fact, for the first time ever Dufus was proved right, as he actually arrived at the shop about 10 minutes before the others. Darn.

Cwej arrived some time later and the four friends joined the queue.

Chalky stood admiring his 'see-through' Dalek and 'stone-effect' Melkur, having finally given into the temptation of buying some more rubbishy Dapol figures.

Dufus had been convinced to buy Cyberon by the cunning 7th Galaxy lads when they knocked a couple of quid off for him - the sly scamps.

Michael Sheard arrived and rather than going straight into the shop, wandered along the waiting queue, despairing at how early everyone was. He actually stopped his trek right next to the gang who laughed and smiled nervously at the wonder before them.

Chalky was first in, and gave Mr. Sheard a Blakes' 7 cover for Aftermath/Powerplay. Mr. Sheard commented on not being in the one shown in the photograph (which was from Aftermath) but that the actor in it had committed suicide!

Shirt was next with his copy of Aftermath - the edited version, which 'technically' did feature Mr. Sheard's story on the cover.

Dufus then gave Mr. Sheard the third and final Aftermath/Powerplay cover with wonderful artwork of Dayna and Tarrant.

Whilst signing, Dufus commented that Mr. Sheard had managed to appear in all three decades of Who - presenting him with copies of The Sixties, The Seventies and The Eighties.

"I've done the Nineties now, too, don't forget!" exclaimed Mr. Sheard, picking up The Stones of Venice.

"Er, that's the year 2001," said Cwej.

"Oh, shite!" said Mr. Sheard. "Was there any Who in the Nineties?"
"A couple of radio plays."

"Nick Courtney's done all the decades hasn't he?" enquired Mr. Sheard.

"Yep," replied Cwej, "Cos he was in the radio plays."

Mr. Sheard also revealed that Large Endings had the video rights to Doctor Who which aroused great interest in the gang.

Photos taken (and with Cwej finally trusting Chalky with his digital camera again) the gang moved on.

A brief stop at the What Shop saw Chalky trying to avoid inane conversation with the over-friendly cashier who seemed to want to comment on every item Chalky bought.

Making a hasty exit, the gang then travelled to Tottenham Court Road to check a bookshop for cheapy books and Forbidden Planet for anything they could lay their hands on.

Apart from Chalky having palpitations over re-released He-Man figures - wahey (but a little steep at £18.99) - Cwej was the only one to purchase anything, buying some Blakes' 7 audio tapes (no doubt for his new role as 'Audio-Visions' moderator).

Cwej said his goodbyes and the trio wended their way home.

As the night drew on, the trio had an argument over whether June Hudson - costume designer extraordinaire - was appearing in Paul Whitehouse's new sitcom/drama as his dead wife's mother (non-speaking, but it was definitely her). Dufus disagreed, and with his new found confidence over the train journey debacle, refused to budge. Chalky pointed out the last time a 'that's so and so from…' debate had raged (about a young actress in Worzel Gummidge being the same as the actress who plays the young wife in Last of the Summer Wine) he had been completely wrong.

He wouldn't have it though.

It was definitely June Hudson though.


