Dufus, Shirt & Lupine…

…Turn Back The Tide


Enigma was working (booo!!!), and Chalky had the wedding of a non-fan friend ("He has non-fan friends?") to go to. Therefore, it was only Dufus, Shirt and Lupine who made their ways to Seventh Galaxy for a twice re-arranged signing of Large Endings’ new CD, "Bloodtide", which marked the return of the Silurians (as well as the Sixth Doctor & Evelyn).

Arriving at their local station, Dufus & Shirt were unsurprised to find the ticket machines out of order (well they like queuing!). Sitting on the platform, Dufus told Shirt that he wasn’t sure that he would be able to afford to drive to Longleat the next week. Shirt said little to this, knowing that Dufus changes his mind more times than Large Endings change their release schedule. A late running service was announced over the tannoy, and Dufus asked if they should catch it.

"No", said Shirt, "it’s a slower train. We’ll get there quicker on the one in a few minutes’ time!".


Said train was cancelled, and our chums had to catch a later slower train, causing them to arrive at Seventh Galaxy AFTER Lupine for once.

The queue was already surprisingly long, so the two of them quickly went into the shop, purchased CDs for themselves and Chalky and joined Lupine in the queue. Whilst standing in the queue to pay in the shop, Shirt heard someone ask after the mythical signed Paul McGann covers that had been promised to shop regulars THREE MONTHS before. The response was curt and irritated, so Shirt decided not to ask the same question. Just as he was leaving the shop, Shirt overheard a telephone conversation with the signing’s main star, Colin Baker, stating that he was stuck in traffic.

In the queue, the three of them talked of many things including the Excelis trilogy that Dufus had forgotten all about (despite reading about it in DWM), Lupine’s exploits at Panopticon ’93, the forthcoming jaunt to Longleat which Lupine agreed to drive to (causing Dufus to decide that HE would drive after all), the guests announced for Seventh Galaxy’s next convention (including David Warwick, who both Dufus and Lupine insisted played the main Ewok in "Return of the Jedi", despite Shirt’s insistence that that was Warwick Davies [actually Mr. Warwick played Kimus in "Pirate Planet"]), and the UST (unresolved sexual tension) between Chalky and Enigma. Big Ted wandered over for a chat, and Dufus not being aware of the earlier conversation, asked about the Paul McGann covers before Shirt could stop him. Big Ted managed to control himself, and muttered about only getting one cover signed in the next batch, and made a swift exit.

The signing began late, due to the traffic problems experienced by Mr. Baker, and the queue seemed to take an age to move. The number of items allowed per person rose to two per guest, which was of some comfort (except to Lupine, who had taken the one item rule as gospel, and had only brought one extra item with him). Forcing two of his Maggie Stables’ covers onto Lupine (as he didn’t have any of his own), Shirt proceeded to get Chalky’s covers mixed-up with his own.

Finally reaching the front of the queue, the three could see the entire line-up. As well as Colin and Maggie, also present were Jonathan Morris (not the one from "Bread" or "Animal Magic", but the author of the day’s CD), Alistair Lock (Music Maestro & sometime antique dealer’s assistant – see CDS…..Ppppick up a Penguin), co-star Jane Goddard & her Dave-Lee-Travis lookalike husband, Rob Shearman (who didn’t seem to be in the CD).

"Who’s that woman with Colin?", asked Dufus.

"It’s the woman who deals with his photographs!", said Poppy.

"Oh", said Dufus, "no wonder I can’t find her picture in the CD booklet".

Dufus was first to meet the sixth incarnation of the universe’s most famous timelord.

"Can you sign it to Dufus?"

"Is that with an S or a Z?", asked Col.

"No, with a D !!", ‘quipped’ Dufus.

Without even breaking a smile, Colin signed the cover proffered to him.

"Oh, I should have signed it to Dufud!!", said Colin, realising a better joke than Dufus’ too late.

Dufus then proceeded to blatantly flout the two further items rule, by getting Colin to sign THREE more items.

"Right", thought Shirt, "two can play at that game !", and also offered three additional covers. Lupine only having one extra cover, offered only the one.

"Can you sign these to my friend Andrew, please Mr. Baker ? He’s at a wedding today !", asked Shirt.

"His bride could have picked a better day", responded Colin.

"Oh, it’s not his wedding", Shirt quickly added in tone that implied ‘some chance’, "He’s only a guest, who’s hoping to pull at the wedding!!"

Colin again smiled weakly.

Moving on past Jonathan and Alistair, Dufus reached Maggie, and engaged her in conversation, giving Shirt enough time to sort out his and Chalky’s covers and get them signed by the author and composer. Lupine wandered along offering his cover to anyone who would sign it. Dufus finally moved on to Jane, and Shirt offered THREE items each for himself and Chalky to Maggie. Offering her his "Companions Talk Back" CD inlay, Maggie asked him, "Where should I sign it?"

"Under your picture please, Mrs. Stables?", replied Shirt, watching her sign under the person of the lovely India Fisher. Still, you can’t win them all. Lupine offered Shirt’s covers and Maggie was adamant that she was not in "The Choice" (not having the inlay with the cast list, Shirt was unable to put her mind at rest). However, she signed it anyway. Jane Goddard and Rob Shearman (who it seems plays an uncredited Myrka) met and signatures gained (despite the fact that Lupine had no idea who Rob was), the three left the shop.

After a trip round Barking Market, and a meal in Pansy Burger Bar, the three wended their way home, agreeing to meet the next weekend for the now annual pilgrimage to Lord Bath’s Estate.

Coming Soon: Chalky, Dufus, Shirt, Enigma, Lupine & Des Res……Don’t Meet the Elephants at Longleat.


