Chalky, Shirt, Tigger, Enigma & Scooby…

 …Go Fourth!



Easter had come and gone without the start of a new series, but two weeks later, on 5th April 2008, the gang met up for the first episode of Series 4 of ‘New WHO’  (who’d have thought that we’d be writing that five years ago) at Chalky and Tigger’s home. Dufus and Lupine were stuck in Birmingham and Finland respectively, and so it was Shirt, Enigma and Scooby who made their way to Carshalton. Enigma and Scooby arrived in plenty of time for the early start time (6.20pm), but Shirt found himself at the mercies of London’s public transport system, underestimated his journey time and was due to arrive at the bus stop ten minutes from the house at about the advertised start time. A quick phone call was made to Chalky, who agreed to leave the door open, it being clear that no-one would leave the front room to let Shirt in once the episode had started.


And so gathered in Chalky and Tigger’s front room, four pairs of eyes were riveted to the large television purchased by the gracious hosts a few months before for just such an occasion. A minute or so early, the episode began.

“They’ve changed the opening theme”, Chalky commented, just before the name ‘Catherine Tate’ flew into the vortex.

Everyone else was entranced by the episode, ready to have all their pre-conceptions about Ms. Tate blown out of the water.

After ten minutes of the Doctor and Donna just missing each other, there was a sound from the hallway as Shirt pelted into the house, dropping his bag and coat.

“How do I get the door to close?”, he asked.

“I’ll do it afterwards”, grunted Chalky.

Joining the others in the front room, Shirt attempted to catch up, which he did almost immediately (well if you can miss the whole first scene of a Billie Piper play and still know what’s going on, “Partners in Crime” is a cinch – see CDS…Birthday Treats).


A cheer greeted the return of Bernard Cribbins as Wilf, but concern began to be raised amongst the female contingent in the room, when Donna started talking about how she should not have let the Doctor go.

“Not another companion who’s in love with the Doctor”, moaned Tigger and Enigma is unison.

“He’ll probably kiss her before the episode’s out”, Tigger continued.

Chalky and Shirt attempted to disavow them of this idea, but were shushed quiet.

The Adipose were desired as toys by the majority of the gang, the mute lip-reading scene caused great hilarity, there were gasps when Miss Foster produced her Sonic Pen (another likely item of merchandise), and the scene involving the window-cleaner’s cradle was also well received. But the real shock was to come, as Donna deposited her mother’s car keys in a bin, telling a bystander where they were. But hang on , that back of head looks familiar. It can’t be…..can it ?  ‘Bin Girl’ turns round and it is !!!  Cue many shouts of amazement, before she fades away. Still on a high, Bernard Cribbins got a cheer in the final scene, and the ladies’ concerns about Donna’s Doctorly desires were all vanquished.


The overall opinion was very good, and any concerns about having ‘shouty Donna’ from “The Runaway Bride” as a companion were dispelled. The appearance of ‘Bin Girl’ was hotly debated, before they all stuck into the food provided. Vittels consumed, and there being at least four people, Chalky reappeared with ‘Cranium’, which was played to great hilarity. The time getting on, Shirt, Enigma and Scooby walked up to the bus stop, and as they wended their way home, discussed upcoming signings. The last full series for a while was shaping up to be the best yet.