

…Time For A Brew(ster)

Seventh Galaxy Events had announced a signing with two audio companions, one of whom Shirt had not previously met; a SJA regular; the reason for the Eighth Doctor’s regeneration; the writer of Shirt’s favourite Sixth Doctor story; oh – and Old Sixie himself. Therefore, Shirt found himself entering the Barking Learning Centre (which looked to be closed for repairs from the outside), and making his way to the signing room, which was surprisingly busy.

Paying for two autograph sheets, and leaving his bag and coat on one of the chairs, Shirt made his way to meet John Pickard, alter-ego of Fifth/Sixth Doctor companion, Thomas Brewster. John also had an array of photos from his time in ‘2point4 Children’ (featuring both Jennies). First up was the cover for The Haunting of Thomas Brewster”, featuring John’s first appearance, and then it was time for the precious ‘Companions’ tome.

Can you sign this ‘To Shirt’?”, he asked, before adding “if you can find a space”.

Book signed, and John moved onto the next person in the queue, having wished Shirt well. Shirt was about to move away, when he remembered that he wanted a photo with John. Therefore, after the other fan’s items were signed, Shirt managed to squeeze in for a photo with John, taken by a steward.

Next up was Emma Campbell-Jones, guest star in ‘The Wedding of River Song’, but more importantly, Cass in ‘Night of the Doctor’, for whom the Eighth Doctor gave his life. Picking a photo of her as Cass, Shirt got this signed, and then proffered his ‘Companions’ book, deciding to make an exception for her. Another photo taken by a steward, and Shirt was again gathering up his items and moving off to a short queue to the side.

This queue was for Anjli Mohindra, Rani from ‘The Sarah Jane Adventures’. Shirt had met her before on two occasions (see S...The Sky’s The Limit) but was keen to get her on the latest Large Endings’ release, ‘Scavenger’. Cover signed, and despite already having a photo with Anjli, Shirt decided to get another one (the fact that she was putting her arm around fans having nothing to do with it !!).

Stowing his ‘Companions’ book, and briefly stopping to have a quick chat with IndyTimelord, Shirt moved to meet Lisa Greenwood, audio Sixth Doctor companion, Flip Jackson, getting her to sign the first and last stories of the recently released trilogy.

Signing “Antidote to Oblivion”, Lisa spoke at length about working with Nabil Shaban as Sil, and how knowledgeable about so many things he is.

Thanking Lisa, Shirt moved sideways to get ‘Antidote’ signed by its author, Philip Martin (writer of all previous Sil stories).

The final queue was the monstrous one – for Colin. Shirt therefore joined the queue that had snaked out of the signing room into the library, and prepared himself for the long-haul. The fan in front of Shirt had a Sixth Doctor costume T-shirt on, and was carefully deciding which five items of the multitude that he had brought he was going to get signed, getting his friend to hold various items as he sorted through them. The queue moved slowly, and re-entering the signing room, the fan’s friend noticed a notice advertising a signing with GOD (or Tom as he’s also known), in six weeks time.

I didn’t see that on the website”, he opined.

It went up yesterday evening”, said Shirt trying to be helpful.

It’ll probably not be £10 per signature”, said the fan’s friend.

No, it’s £20 per signature”, informed Shirt (deciding not to mention the removal of ‘5 for the price of 4’ also).

£20 ? I’d rather walk around Soho in the hope of meeting him, and getting him to give me one for free !”

Shirt managed to keep a poker face at this double entendre, and only slightly raised his eyebrows.

The first fan then ummed-and-ahhed about getting Philip Martin to sign his 'Varos' cover, before deciding he could not lose one of his five Colin items (despite Colin being far more ubiquitous than Philip).

The queue moved slowly, but finally Shirt was face-to-face with Old Sixie again, getting his ”The Brood of Erys” and ”Trial of the Valeyard” covers signed with minimum conversation. However, Colin did reveal that it really was him, Peter & Sylvester under the sheets in the Under-Gallery in 'The Day of the Doctor' !

Deciding not to wait for the Q&A given the continued length of Colin’s queue, Shirt wended his way home slowly, with his ‘Companions’ book groaning from its fifty-eighth and fifty-ninth signatures.


