Chalky, Dufus, Enigma and Shirt…

…Enjoy a Night In






BBC 2 had deigned to proffer the fans of the greatest televisual science fiction programme of all time, a night of broadcast all to themselves.

But the fans of Gallopin' Galaxies decided to refuse the offer.

So the militant fans of Doctor Who stormed the BBC and demanded that the evening be given over to some clapped-out series with wobbly sets, bad acting, terrible scripting and rubber monsters.

They got their wish.

And so it was, that Chalky, Dufus, Enigma and Shirt congregated around Chalky's abode to watch an evening of fun and frolics on BBC 2.

The evening had begun with Dufus being unsure as to whether or not he actually wanted to spend time with beautiful and clever people, knowing how terribly inadequate it would make him feel.

He threw caution to the wind however, when Chalky mentioned how devastated Enigma would be if he didn't attend.

Once assembled, the foursome munched on jelly babies and liquorice allsorts (from the Pirate Planet, you know) and settled down to view the proceedings.

Two documentaries (Let us all praise the altar of Tom (oh and there were some other blokes who played the main role too)); three sketches (Can I kiss Peter Davison? I'm…bad. Any old F****** with an Equity card.); and a couple of sad scientists (regeneration, real, I ask you!); all culminated in the moment they had all been waiting for.

Shirt was going to watch an Hartnell episode.

But only because Enigma promised him a kiss (foolish girl).

Now for some reason, Shirt considers Hartnell's portrayal of the Doctor to be an abomination; seemingly ignoring the facts that Hartnell was the ORIGINAL Doctor; that the popular image of a 'crotchety old man' disappears pretty early on for the most part; and that his favourite Doctor (6th) bears more than a passing resemblance to some of the 1st's characteristics.

Apparently watching 'The Rescue' only compounded his narrow-minded attitude, which led Shirt and Dufus to surmise that he had been watching a different episode, because as far as they could see Hartnell spent the episode being not very crotchety.

But they decided not to labour the point, because it's Shirt's look out if he wants to miss out on some of the best stories of Doctor Who's entire series.

(Course, he's only really miffed that Nicola Bryant wasn't born early enough to have starred in that original series.)

The TV Movie created another rift between the friends. Enigma doesn't like the Movie (too American (oh that's original!)).

So as Chalky, Dufus and Shirt spent the first fifteen minutes spotting the 'uncut' footage - cries of 'That bits added' and 'Do you think they'll have Bruce's wife's neck snapping?' - Enigma began to surf the Internet and then spent the next 2 hours flirting with some guy in Cyberspace.

As the evening drew to a close, a simple observational comment from Dufus created an explosive argument between him and Chalky.

Apparently, in Dufus's warped world view, the Silurians and the Sea Devils do not count as the 'same' enemy - even though they are the same race; the Doctor treats them in exactly the same way; The Sea Devils is a retread of the themes (and plot) of Doctor Who and the Silurians; and that they came back together in Warriors of the Deep (which no other 'separate' enemies have ever done).

Dufus apparently believed he had won the argument with some tenuous analogy to WW2 and the differences between the Russians and the Germans (or something like that).

Dufus finished the argument by saying he'd post a message on the newsgroup with his opinion and that would prove he was right, because everyone would agree with him.

Poor, unfortunate clod.

Incidentally, at the time of writing this, he still hadn't posted the message (a week after the evening) so it is possible he's realised that Chalky was undeniably correct all along.

Nevertheless, the friends all parted on good terms and looked forward to the next event - Enigma's 21st!

Chalky, Dufus, Enigma and Shirt will return…


