Dufus and Shirt...

…Loop the Loup






Chalky had deserted his chums, preferring the delights of Alton Towers to that of Mark Strickson, Marc Platt, Sarah Gale, David Hankinson and the ubiquitous twosome Nick Pegg and Barnaby Edwards, at Seventh Galaxy. Enigma also was uninterested in meeting the ginger overgrown schoolboy again, or the writer of a confusing Season 26 offering, so it was only Dufus and Shirt who made their way to Seventh Galaxy.

Having read Shirt's "McGannzine" (a fanzine he'd bought off the internet), Shirt having brought Dufus up to speed on all the WHO news that had completely passed him by, and Dufus having thought that he had lost his train ticket several times, they arrived to find a medium length queue. Hurrah they wouldn't have to wait long, and maybe they could get some of the vast amount of David Hankinson memorabilia that Chalky had asked them to take, signed ! WRONG !!!!!

The signing was due to take place at 12pm, and at 11.15am, Big Ted came out to address the queue, Mark was stuck in traffic (which Mark, Strickson or Platt he did not elucidate), and the signing would not start until 2pm, TWO AND THREE-QUARTER HOURS LATER!!! Needless to say, our friends were slightly put out ! The suggestion that we all troop through to meet the other guests who had all arrived, was met with stony silence from Big AND Little Ted, with mutterings about the "Marian Conspiracy" signing.

Becoming bored with Dufus' conversation (and having read ALL the stories in BOTH of the DW Yearbooks that Dufus had brought to be signed), Shirt decided to go and chat with erstwhile gang member, Chris Cwej a little further back in the queue, a decision in no way affected by the fact that he was standing talking to the Babe that Chalky and Shirt had admired at the John Levene signing. Having listened patiently to Cwej talking about his current project of writing a DW-spoof of "The Rocky Horror Show" ("The Doccy Horror Show"), and not being introduced to said "angel", Shirt returned to his place in the queue to find Dufus asleep. Other queue highlights included interrogating Little Ted about upcoming signings and Big Ted walking along indicating five minutes to go, by showing ten fingers !

Finally at 2pm, Mr. Strickson did arrive, to great applause from the waiting masses, and after he had had a quick "James Bree" (WHO rhyming slang), the queue began moving. Entering the shop, being told by Poppy that it was 2 personal items each, our chums discovered that in addition to the aforementioned stars, the Large Endings very own triskelion, Nick Briggs, Alistair Lock (in a very Shirt-esque top) and Jason Haigh-Ellery were also present. Mark Strickson was first, and quickly signed Shirt's cover, as well as a magazine interview, "Make Your Own Adventure Book" and two of Chalky's video covers with barely a glance at them. Dufus offering Mr. Strickson, the "Doctor Who Yearbook" offered by Chalky, more than a year before, led to a repeat of said story about paparazzi-style publicity photos.

Moving on to Marc Platt, Shirt got his "Ghost Light" and "Downtime" covers signed, as well as Chalky's, before remembering that Chalky wanted his copy of "Lungbarrow" signed, but managed to sneak this in as well. Dufus offered Mr. Platt, a "Yearbook" story entitled "Loop the Loup", which featured werewolves. Nick Pegg sitting next to him seized on this, suggesting that Marc Platt had merely rehashed this story for the audio, leading to embarrassed protestations from said author. Shirt also then lost all respect for Mr. Pegg when he then went on to label Dufus "a well researched fan", but still got him to sign his McGann covers and "Terror Game" sleeve (which soon shut him up).

Shirt then moved on to stars of this audio only, namely the striking Sarah Gale, and David Hankinson. Barnaby Edwards was next, and in a display of great cheek, Shirt managed to get him to sign all the McGann audio sleeves he had brought for himself AND Chalky. Doing this he managed to completely cover the table, smudging most of his autographs. It was also at this point that Jason Haigh-Ellery asked our friends what they thought of "Sword of Orion".

Despite the fact that Nick Briggs, the writer, director, composer, cook, and bottle-washer, of said audio was standing right there, our friends suggested that it was the weakest link in the season. For some unknown reason, Mr. Briggs took umbrage at this, and insisted on writing "my favourite" on our chums' sleeves when signing them, and threatened to misspell Dufus' name to spell a rude word. Barnaby Edwards then came to the rescue, saying that he quite liked it. By some miracle, Shirt managed to then carry all of his covers outside without leaving any, but realised that he had left his bag by Mark Strickson. This retrieved, and joined by Dufus, the two chums wound their way home, via The What Shop and Naughty Asteroid.


