
…Alone with Lalla




City of Death was being re-released on video. 7th Galaxy were planning a signing with Lalla Ward to launch it. Chalky, Dufus and Shirt were torn. On the one hand it would be nice to meet Lalla again. On the other, it would mean buying a video they all already had.

Top secret talks with Big Ted illicited a deal whereby they could get away with just buying a nice photo of Lalla.

But, Dufus was planning to work some overtime that weekend. So Chalky and Shirt were going to go.

But then, in an inspired Dufus-style moment, Shirt remembered he was on holiday for that week and so would not be able to attend either.

Therefore, despite some umming and ahhhing from Dufus over whether he could afford to come, Chalky did - eventually - go it alone.

Chalky had done signings on his tod before, but not since the early days of The What Shop when it had only been him and Ernie (the fastest CCF Naval cadet in the West) and therefore the odds of going alone were somewhat increased.

So it was, with some trepidation, and prayers that Chris might be there, Chalky set off alone.

Chris wasn’t there, and so it was left to Chalky to stand at the back of the queue (cos he'd got up a bit late and taken longer to get there than normal) and ring Shirt on his mobile.

Once in, the employees of 7th Galaxy noted Chalky' lack of compadrés.

"The One Stooge!"

"Cheek!" cried Chalky.

"You know it's only said in affection," said Big Ted.

"Well, I suppose it's nice to know I'm loved somewhere," muttered Chalky.

"Yes. Just not here," quipped Sparrow.

Lalla was ever so nice and, in explaining his large number of items - far in excess of the limit - she wished Shirt a good holiday.

Chalky left the shop of love and trotted off to central London in the hope of meeting some work colleagues.

Due to a mobile phone disaster, contact could not be reached and so after touring a few shops, getting increasingly annoyed at his friend's inability to answer her blooming mobile phone, Chalky decided to cut his losses and wander home.


