Chalky, Dufus and Shirt…

…DO Meet the Rani!







After a previous aborted attempt by Dufus and Shirt to meet the kindly Kate O'Mara in Guildford where she was appearing in panto, the trio - Chalky now included - were delighted when VBB announced an exclusive - Kate O'Mara was to reprise her role as the Rani in a CD audio adventure entitled (initially) Resurrection of the Rani, and (latterly) The Rani Reaps the Whirlwind. Not only that but it was to be written by well-respected script writers, Pip and Jane Baker.

7th Galaxy soon announced a signing for the release of said CD, but unfortunately it was not to be creators of the stupendous Watt on Earth. No, it was to be the slightly bigger draw, Miss O'Mara.

"Hurrah!" cried all the friends together.


And so they toddled off to East London to meet the star of Doctor Who, Dynasty and Triangle.


Waiting in the queue, they were ever so excited. And then something unique and somewhat bizarre occurred. The public address system of the shopping centre where 7th Galaxy resided crackled into life and a, slightly nasal, employee announced the presence of 'Kate O'Mara in 7th Galaxy, signing copies of her new CD'. Now whether local shoppers were drawn to the store on the strength of misinterpreting this announcement to mean Miss O'Mara had begun a musical career may never be known.


Miss O'Mara eventually arrived, along with a cornucopia of other stars from the CD, including the palpable Patricia Merrick (star of a few VBB audios, and also good friend of Chalky, Dufus and Shirt favourite, Miss Caroline John); Anthony Keetch (star of VBB and Large Endings, and writer of (possibly) little-bought novel Moonquake, but now recreator of Urak the Tetrap - that most memorable of villains); Edward Cory (new friend to VBB); and none other than Bill Baggs, the man behind the myth that is Audio Adventures in Time and Space (we're not doing Doctor Who honest guv!).


Chalky sidled up to the glamorous Miss O'Mara and racking his brains for something to say remembered her apparent enthusiasm for science fiction mentioned in her MWD interview. Chalky mentioned this, and Miss O'Mara spent the next five minutes enthusing about the merits of science fiction and how she would love star in a series with her as a space captain (any audio producers out there looking for a spin-off brand look no further).


After a piccy and much thanking, Chalky moved along to Miss Merrick and commented on her prevalence at signings with Miss Caroline John after she commented on remembering Chalky. Apparently they live very close and Miss Merrick had driven Miss John up to London (seeing as Miss John was appearing at What Shop, just one stop away). Miss Merrick asked Chalky if he was going to What Shop afterwards (where Miss John was signing copies of the Spearhead from Space DVD - which hadn't been released yet because the CCB had put the release date back) and Chalky replied he wouldn't. Miss Merrick implied at this point that she hadn't found anyone who was.


Moving on signatures were obtained from Mr. Cory and Mr. Keetch and then, Mr. Baggs finally appeared at the end of the line (having been buzzing around the shop with various things and worrying the threesome that he might not actually sit himself down and sign some pieces of tat).


The first piece of tat Chalky gave Mr. Baggs were his CD covers, but unfortunately, Chalky put his copy of The Search (directed by Mr. Baggs) into a puddle of coffee. leaving it to dry, Chalky and Mr. Baggs had a conversation about how Chalky's appreciation of the earlier Stranger videos (in particular Summoned by Shadows and More than a Messiah) had grown on recent viewings (after finally acquiring the videos and not just watching a friend's copy).

Nearly forgetting The Search, Chalky said his goodbyes and waited for the others.

Happy as sandbags, the threesome wended their merry way home.

